_CHAPTER {42}_

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Alishaa was seated on her desk looking at different designs which she wants to present as the next company's collection. There was a knock on the door she looked at it thinking who it might be.

"Come in"

"Hello Lishaaa" Said Druvh in his bubble like nature, smiling brightly at her

"Hey Druvh"

"What are you doing here?" She asked smiling at him as he walked in and stood opposite her

"I work here?" She raised her brows looking sternly at him

"Well not today, i am here to see you"

"Me why?"

"Can't i come visit my friend without a reason?" She raised her brow again

"Alright fine! I have this show to go to and my designer ditched me and no one can help me out except you"

"Isn't that your manager's work to find a new designer before time?"

"i didn't know you were this smart! Actually i told him that you are my friend and you will always help me but it is okay if you have other things to do, i understand" He said making a fake sad face.

"Alright fine but i have check in with Faaris"

"He already agreed!"

"How is that? You two don't get along and how can he agree this fast?"

"Maybe you should be a detective instead! Anyways he agreed so now get up, let's go!!!" He said impatiently

"Alright, alright! But if i found out you lied i will kill you" She said and got up walking to the couch, she took her backpack and coat following Druvh who is already outside holding the door for her.

"Wait here i will get the car" Said Druvh as they stepped outside the company. He ran to the parking lot to bring his car.

Alishaa was waiting for him when she felt her phone vibrate she removed it from her pocket. She slightly smiled seeing it is Faaris calling her.



"Did you really agree for me to work with Druvh today?"

"Yeah, the weird guy has been asking me but just this time"

"Where have you been? Including the guys, Nihaal and even Renzo?"

"I don't know about Renzo but Naadir is with me, we are closing a business deal and Nihaal is with Rashid"

"Ohh, it's weird how y'all left me alone, though i got Druvh"


"Wait how did you agree for them to be out while it is working hours?"

"They know what they are doing, besides they need a break!"

"The Grinch giving a break to someone around working hours well that's new"

"Whatever! Where's Fu'ad?"

"Here, why?"

"Can you give him the phone?"

"Got to guarantee your safety" He added knowing her Alishaa was already suspicious of their disappearance and his new friendship with Druvh. Even though she isn't smart enough, she could find out something is wrong. She chuckled as she opened Druvh's passenger door, handing him the phone, mouthing Faaris.

"Yeah?" Said Druvh as he answered the phone

"Sure! Of course not!!"

"Alright, yeah man! later" Alishaa looked at him weirdly as he spoke to Faaris. He handed the phone after Faaris hanged up.

"What was that about?"

"Talking about your safety as usual and other stuff"

"What stuff?"

"Work and-focus on the show and my suits!"

"Already done with that, thankfully i got drafts in the studio, so just send the makeup team"

"Ay Ay captain" He said dramatically saluting her

"Don't worry about your dress, Riyaa designed it for you"

"My dress? What will i do with that?"

"You are my designer of course you will have to escort me to the show!"

"What type of show is it?"

"Some charity ball like that, don't worry it isn't really crowded!"

"Hope so or i am also ditching you" Druvh smiled in satisfaction as she believed their act. Knowing Alishaa he knows she isn't that smart but her curiosity gets her to figure things out really quick.


"Remind me why I am dressed again? I look like I am going to the MET GALA" Said Alishaa looking between herself and Druvh who is now wearing a blue tuxedo from Alishaa's designs.

"Because you are my designer and have to look good"

"Still doesn't make sense" She mumbled

"Here King wants to talk to you"

"What is this new friendship you and Faaris have? It is creeping me out"

"Oh come on it is all good and how can someone not love me, look at me"

"Dude chill and give her the phone" Said Faaris getting irritated

"Okay bestie" He replied chuckling

"What is this all about Faaris?"

"Calm down, it will all end well inshaAllah and also it could be for your dream"

"What dream? I hate dressing up and getting all glows"

"I am the one to do the explanation" Said Faaris confusing her more

"What? Of course you are the one, you know what I am done, I swear I will crash this car"

"You wouldn't want to do that to Fau'd the guy is single to the core, he has have a family first" She turned and looked at Druvh who gave her a sad puppy eyes.

"He wouldn't get involved, seriously though this is tiring at least tell me something, I am becoming restless, y'all ditched me all day I didn't question and now you are getting all weird, what is it? Is Mama getting me into a forced marriage because it couldn't be arranged marriage-"

"Alright, right now you really need to calm down and no one is going to force you into marriage, I wouldn't allow that"

"Why will you not allow that? I mean excluding forced marriage I am not getting married"

"What is with you and suddenly the marriage talk?"

"Stop it! So now do you trust me?"

"And where is this one coming from? Of course I do"

"Good, now listen, just follow Druvh okay? And when we meet you can ask your questions, okay?"

"You promise to answer all?"

"Yes I do"

"Okay you have a life in your hands Faaris Ahfaad"

"Only when I thought you wouldn't get anymore weird, later" He said and hanged up. She looked at the phone confused, getting more confused as she looked at Druvh who is grinning and driving.

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