_CHAPTER {55}_

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CHAPTER FIFTY-FIVE; Scary mother-in law

Alishaa looked around the pile of clothes on the floor of Faaris's room while looking for a dress to wear for the evening.

"What on earth happened here?" Yelled someone, Alishaa turned and saw Nihaal standing by the door, she rushed to her and dragged her into the room.

"I can't find what to wear!"

"What do you mean you can't find what to wear? You are Alishaa Saleh the most stylish female I know"

"I am just panicking what if they don't like me?"

"Don't even think about that Faaris would die for you and that is what you should care about alright?"

"Okay" She said slowly

"Now I will seat herr and wait for you give me your best shot, if you are really a fashion designer"

"Is that a threat?"

"Name it whatever you like" She smirked. Alishaa looked at her and went to her suitcase once again and picked out a handful of clothing stuff and walked into the closet dragging the folds.

Nihaal walked around the room waiting for Alishaa praying everything goes well and she doesn't want to have a wedding without her brother.

"Woah" She said as she turned and saw Alishaa. She came out dressed in a red long dress, with a V neckline that went all the way to her chest she closed with a white vest underneath, the hand styled in a balloon sleeve. A white wrapped around her head, a black Chanel watch and a black strap heels in her hand.

"Do I look presentable?"

"Presentable are you kidding me? You look dead beautiful, I wonder how Faaris will be able to stay away from you" Alishaa blushed looking away.

"Let's go before we end up getting late" Said Nihaal again

"I have to tidy this place up or your brother will kill me"

"Ah I doubt that and don't worry about it" Before Alishaa could ask more questions she dragged here to the door, as they stepped into the corridor they met with Faaris who is dressed in a blue suit from one of Alishaa's collection.

"I will take my leave" Said Nihaal and left the two staring at each other, Alishaa blushed realising as Faaris cleared his throat.

"We sh-"

"You look beautiful" She got cut off by his voice. She blushed and looked down, he walked to her unable to take his eyes off her.

"Thank you, you look good too"

"Just good?"

"I mean you always look good but more-" She stopped explaining as he chuckled, she still isn't used to funny Faaris.

"Thank you, I actually wanted to give you this" He removed a small bag that looked like a jewellery bag from his pocket, he slowly removed a necklace from it.

"You didn't have to get me a gift" She said as he held it in his hands, trying to get the opening.

"I didn't get it, it was my grandmother's. She said I should give it to the starlight of my life and we cannot deny the fact that you indeed light up my world" He said staring into her eyes. She was shocked to hear that from him, he confesses sometimes but all his confessions were never this straightforward.


"I know you still think our marriage is fake and all but I still hope to change your mind and the least you can do is accept this" She stared at him and then at the silver chain in his hand with a star shaped silver covered with small diamond crystals.

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