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(PSA: for those who are confused, i took this down and am now re-uploading it due to popular demand hehe)

"Lauren wake up," A hand shakes Lauren's shoulder vigorously, pulling her briskly out of her sleep. She groans and pushes the hand away, trying to win back more time where she could stay under the warm duvet.

"Lauren! Rehearsal is in an hour! Up!"

Lauren sighs and stretches, not wanting to expose her body from under the covers as a way to try and trap the little amount of heat in the room. She rubs her eyes and they slowly flutter open, and she's met with the sight of Julia.

"I hate rehearsals." She grumbles and Julia laughs.

"Come on, I'll meet you down there."

Lauren watches as she leaves the room and then snuggles back into bed, smiling to herself. Just as she's starting to drift off again, music starts blaring from the dorm next to hers. The walls are super thin so it's like Lauren's in the same room.

"For fucks sake," She sits up in bed again and rests her elbows on her knees, yawning loudly. She rolls her eyes, throws the covers off of her and shivers violently; college dorms in Michigan aren't exactly saunas.


Lauren walks briskly across the campus, trying as fast as she can to get to the rehearsal room because of how cold it is. She's wearing a big hoodie she borrowed from one of the boys a few months ago and sweatpants and yet she's still freezing. Her hair is scraped on top of of her head into a ponytail, tight but not tight enough as there are little baby hairs escaping the hairband.

She's got short legs but she's nearly running across the site, the Autumn leaves she's stepping on crunching under her feet.

Finally the drama building comes into view and Lauren sighs in relief; it feels like her lips are going blue. She wraps her arms around herself tighter, trying to defend herself against the cold wind.

She walks into the building and slams the door behind her, running straight to a radiator that's next to the door. Lauren presses her body against it, trying to regain some sort of warmth and stays there for a few minutes before making her way into the rehearsal room they had booked out.

"Morning sunshine," Julia smiles as Lauren shuffles into the space.

Today is their first rehearsal for the Starkid Space Tour which is happening in two months. It's currently September and the group haven't seen each other for a while, not since Starship was running.

Lauren smiles back sarcastically, stifling a yawn. "Morning." She sits down in a chair opposite Julia who's sitting behind the desk of the room. Lauren looks around; they're the only ones in there. "Hey, where is everyone?"

"Went to get a McDonalds breakfast I'm pretty sure," Julia laughs, not looking away from whatever she's making notes on.

Lauren rolls her eyes. "That doesn't surprise me actually."

She shuffles down in her seat a little, her hoodie acting like a blanket, and props her feet up on the desk, her knees against her chest. "Who's actually doing this again? Just the usual?"

Julia picks up a sheet of paper, running her eyes over the list of names that's on it. "Yep, Jaime, Brian, Meredith, Joe, Joey,"

Lauren laughs. "Oh, sweet baby Joey Richter." She grins at Julia who laughs as well.

"I know, I love Joey he's so adorable."

The girls giggle, slightly making fun of the poor boy and his prepubescent appearance. "He's definitely the baby of the group," Lauren nods and Julia agrees.

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