twenty seven

140 6 18

Joey wakes up the next day to find Lauren propped up on his chest, her eyes half open with a smile on her face. He rubs his eyes and then smiles back and drapes his arm lazily over her waist. "Morning," He mutters, his voice husky and deep.

Lauren leans forward and gently kisses him. "Good morning." His eyes slowly fall closed again after she leaves his lips as the exhaustion from the past few days washes over him.

Lauren giggles and combs her fingers through the front of his hair. "Wake up JoJo," She says softly and leaves a kiss on his jaw. Joey's eyes open for a second time as he stretches his arms above his head with a groan; he somehow finds himself doing anything Lauren wants.

He runs his fingers lightly up and down her back as her chest presses into his torso. "What's got you in such a good mood today?" He asks gently as his eyes adjust properly to the natural sunlight in the bus.

Lauren shrugs and leans her head on her hands, her elbows propped up on his chest. "Just woke up feeling happy." She smiles and rubs her nose gently against his.

Joey grins. "That's great Lo." He says and then catches her lips in a kiss. Lauren cups the sides of his face as Joey marks little nonsense patterns into her lower back. He deepens the kiss as his tongue slips into her mouth and then rolls them over so he's on top.

Lauren's arms snake back so they're around his neck and she can pull him closer to her. "Mmm.." Lauren hums quietly into his mouth which makes Joey's stomach flutter. He entwines his fingers with hers and pulls away so he can kiss her hand. Lauren smiles and shakes her head. "How are you that cute?" She jokes and reaches up to kiss him again.

Joey inches his fingers under her t-shirt and starts gently rubbing on her bare stomach. "You clearly bring out the best in me," He murmurs against her lips and they both laugh. Lauren raises her eyebrows and nods as their mouths tangle in a heated joint effort.

They continue to embrace and makeout for the next ten minutes, rolling around in the bunk and switching positions.

Lauren suddenly pulls away and pushes Joey away from her. "Gotta pee," She whispers frantically and quickly kisses him one last time before scrambling out of the bunk and rushing off to the toilet. Joey watches her go and then lies back on the pillow, laughing quietly to himself. Waking up next to Lauren is still his favourite thing ever; the mornings they share, just kissing and cuddling with no worry of being caught is what he imagines heaven is like.

Joey jumps out of the bunk and lands on the floor of the bus, trying to be as quiet as he can. He looks around him at the other bunks where he can see everyone else is still asleep. He creeps over to grab a bottle of water and downs most of it before going over to the toilet to wait until Lauren comes out and he can use it. She appears a few moments later, but her expression is weird. She looks confused and deep in thought.

He takes a step towards her. "You alright?" Joey asks and lightly touches her arm.

Lauren looks at him, a deep frown etched on her face. "..I just got my period." She states slowly.

Joey stares at her, a blank expression on his face. "Right..okay..why are you- oh! Do you want me to get you some chocolate or I can-" He starts to ramble on until Lauren smacks his arm.

"No dumbass; you don't get your period when you're pregnant!" She hisses through gritted teeth.

Joey nods. "Oh. OH-" He finally realises what she's getting at.

Now he's frowning. " I'm just confused.." He says slowly.

Lauren chews the inside of her lip. "Yeah, me too." She mumbles. This makes no sense; why would Lauren get her period if she was pregnant? Unless...

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