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The next morning Joey paces outside of Lauren's dorm room nervously. He's taking her to McDonalds today and he couldn't be more terrified. He had asked her last night on impulse as a sort of spur of the moment thing and she seemed into it, but he's so scared now that his heart feels like it's going to beat out of his chest.

He's wearing a grey hoodie with jeans and some white trainers; just a basic outfit but the state of his floor says otherwise. All his clothes which were previously in his wardrobe, as they should be, have now been thrown to various different places of his dorm, which came as result of trying to find a suitable outfit to wear. He was more scared than he thought he would be.

He runs a hand shakily through his hair and takes a deep breath in before knocking a couple of times on her door. He takes a step back quickly and puts his hands in his pockets so she can't tell how nervous he is.

A few moments pass and then Joey hears her footsteps get louder and louder until the door is opened and she's standing there.

"Hey!" She grins at him, and it takes everything Joey has to stop his mouth falling open at the sight of her; she looks gorgeous. Her hair's straightened and some of its been pinned up at the back, but a few baby hairs frame her face. She's wearing light makeup but added eyeliner which makes her eyes even more stunning than before. She's wearing a tank top and a denim skirt with an oversized flannel shirt on top which actually is longer than the skirt itself. Joey's feels his hands get sweaty in his pockets and it's a few moments before he even manages a smile back.

"Hi," He says as calmly as he can.

Lauren takes a step back from the doorway and holds out her hand to gesture to the dorm room. "You can come in, I'm just packing my bag." Joey manages another smile and walks past her and into the room; she's wearing perfume and smells great.

Lauren walks ahead of him and into her bedroom and Joey follows. He stands awkwardly in the doorway as she walks around, grabbing things and putting them in a small bag she's bringing. Joey looks around the space with a smile; he's in Lauren Lopez's room. She's got posters and pictures of her friends on the walls and there are textbooks and notepads scattered in different piles on the floor.

Lauren catches him looking around and winces. "Sorry it's so messy in here; haven't had a chance to tidy."

Joey shrugs and shakes his head. "No worries," He looks over at her bed which she's sitting on to put her shoes on and feels his face getting hotter. It's her bed. He tries to shoo away his intrusive thoughts and focuses on something else. Which happens to be Lauren herself.

He can't get over how effortlessly pretty she is. Deciding to be brave, he chooses to say something. "You look nice," He mumbles, his heart pounding in his chest. Lauren looks up at him; she looks taken off guard.

She smiles and plays with her fingers like she's nervous. "Thanks," She looks down at her outfit with a shrug but when she turns away Joey can see how wide she's smiling and he knows he's just made her day with that one compliment. She's probably spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to wear like he had and he's so happy to see her feel appreciated.

She turns back around after a moment and gestures to him. "So do you." She smiles, her cheeks pink with flush. Joey beams at her and they continue to smile at each other warmly for a second longer until Lauren clears her throat and continues packing her bag.

A few moments later she looks around the room deep in thought. "Okay I've got keys, wallet, lip balm, phone," She mutters to herself, and swings her bag over her shoulder once satisfied she's got everything. She walks over to Joey in the doorway and smiles at him. "Ready?" He asks and she nods, and so they walk out of the dorm room together.

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