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Lauren groans as she slowly wakes up to find herself lying on one of the sofas in the bus. Sunlight streams through the tiny windows and covers her in a warm glow. She squints, still trying to get her eyes to adjust.

As she moves around where she's lying, she realises she's not alone. Her senses have been pretty blurred up until this point so she didn't notice that she's lying on top of someone.

Her eyes widen as she carefully lifts herself off of their chest and peers over to see who it is.

It's Joey. Of course it is.

She quickly racks her brain, trying to think of anything that happened last night but her brain's all fuzzy. She remembers being here with Joey at one point but can't remember what they were talking about or what they were doing.

She closes her eyes in despair and winces as she tries to climb off of him without him waking up. Thankfully he's still wearing all of his clothes and so is Lauren otherwise that would be a completely different problem. Just as she lifts her leg over him, her foot slips and she falls back onto his body, but this time she's straddling him.

Joey wakes up, clearly startled, and Lauren watches, a pained expression on her face as he takes in his surroundings and realises Lauren's sitting on him.

She covers her face with her hands in complete embarrassment and quickly resumes climbing off of him until she's standing next to the sofa.

Joey rubs his eyes and stares at her; clearly confused. He props himself up on his elbows and smirks. "Morning."

Lauren rolls her eyes and folds her arms. "Yes, good morning. Do you remember what happened last night?" She asks in a hushed whisper.

Joey shakes his head. "Not really," He groans and sits up on the sofa.

Lauren takes a seat next to him and chews the inside of her lip. "I know we were sat here talking at one point, but I don't know what about and what happened after that.." She says slowly.

Joey shrugs. "Neither, let's just ask everyone else."

Lauren sighs and leans back on the sofa, annoyed she can't remember.

As she sits there her memory's suddenly jogged as its exactly where she was sat last night. She remembers talking about promises and Joey holding her hand. Her cheeks flush red and she brings her knees up to her chest.

Joey turns around and looks at her. "What?" He frowns a little, sensing her mood switch.

Lauren bites her lip. "I think..I think we were talking about us..." She says quietly. "You held my hand..and promised me something.." She trails off and Joey falls silent.

He clears his throat and looks at her out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah..now you mention it that does seem familiar.."

They sit there in silence for a few seconds before Meredith suddenly bounds onto the sofa and flops down between the two of them.

"Morning," She murmurs and leans her head against Joey.

Joey smirks and wraps an arm around her. "Morning Mere," Lauren bites her nails nervously as more and more people wake up and join them on the sofa. She's desperately trying to remember what they were talking about last night but the amount of alcohol is making her head hurt.

Jaime appears and sits next to Lauren, bringing her back to reality.

"Did you and Joey end up sleeping out here all night?" She laughs and Lauren freezes. She had completely forgotten that everyone else was there last night.

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