twenty one

175 8 17

The next morning, Joey stirs in his sleep and wakes up with a quiet groan. As he takes in his surroundings, he remembers he's in his hotel room. He looks next to him to find a very naked Lauren lying on the other side of the bed. His heart speeds up just by looking at her.

There's makeup smudged all over her face and her hair is tangled and messy but she still somehow looks radiant.

Joey shuffles so he's lying on his side and just watches the steady rise and fall of her chest as she sleeps; he's still on a high from last night. It was the most amazing night of his life. Totally unexpected and unplanned, but it was perfect. Being that close to her, physically and emotionally, was a gift and Joey will never forget it.

Not able to help himself, he leans over and softly kisses her. Lauren scrunches up her face as his lips make contact with hers and she kisses him back. He pulls away to see that she's smiling, her eyes still closed.

"Morning," She whispers.

Joey places his hand on her stomach and pats it gently with his fingertips. "Morning beautiful." He replies with a smile in return.

Lauren's eyes finally open and she stretches as her smile grows bigger. She reaches up and kisses him again, her hands finding their way into his hair. Their lips move softly in unison as if they never had a break. He grips her waist and pulls away from her mouth before gently rubbing his nose against hers.

Lauren sighs happily and moves so her head is lying on his chest. Joey rubs her back and pulls her closer to him; this is like heaven. It's all he's wanted for the longest time.

They stay in this cuddle for a little while until Lauren breaks the silence. " you think we should talk about last night?" She says slowly.

Joey frowns slightly. "Uh, do we need to? I thought it was perfect." He states.

Lauren moves and sits up on the bed in front of him. She strokes the side of his face. "Me too, it was amazing." She smiles and Joey smiles back. "Yeah, you're right. Let's not talk about it. I don't want to spoil it." She grins.

Joey softly touches her chin and smiles again; It's definitely not ideal and maybe last night wasn't a completely smart thing to do, but he knows deep down that they belong together.

He takes his hand in hers and interlocks their fingers. "I definitely wasn't expecting it." He mumbles awkwardly.

Lauren laughs and shakes her head. "Oh, me neither. But you really made it worth waiting for." She raises her eyebrows at him and Joey's eyes widen as a surge of confidence fills him up. Is she saying what he thinks she's saying?

"So I was good?" He asks cheekily.

Lauren rolls her eyes at him. "Don't get cocky..but yes. God you were incredible." She breathes and nods.

Joey opens his arms and puffs out his chest. "Hell yeah!" He says loudly.

Lauren laughs and places her hand over his mouth. "Shut up! We're in a hotel, remember?" She giggles and Joey laughs as well, but it's muffled behind her hand.

Lauren sits back and folds her arms. "What about me then? How was I?" She asks pointedly.

Joey decides to tease her. "Oh, yeah I guess you were alright.." He jokes and looks away.

Lauren slaps his arm in offence. "Cheeky shit!" She exclaims but Joey just laughs harder.

He shakes his head and becomes serious after a little while. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, Lo you were.." He shakes his head in astonishment. "..Jesus fucking Christ." He says under his breath, not able to find the right words to describe it.

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