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"Danger." Joey and Lauren sign the final word of Granger Danger in harmony like always as the venue erupts into applause and screaming.

Joey's feels his heart fill up as everyone stands on their feet and applauds them; nothing will ever beat this. They then both grab their stools and leave the stage together, grinning to themselves as the clapping and cheering continues.

Everyone backstage is clapping as well and giving them thumbs up as Dylan goes on to sing To Have a Home.

While the rest of the group gets distracted with watching the stage again, Joey pulls Lauren over to a corner of backstage that no one else can see.

"That was amazing!" He grins and she squeals excitedly and jumps up to hug him. Their first performance of their duet had gone so well and the audience were so engaged it was great. Joey squeezes her tightly as she clings onto him, her head leaning on his shoulder.

A few moments later Joey let's go of her and steps back to see that she's still beaming at him; her cheeks flushed with excitement. She wraps her arms around his waist and takes a step back towards him and Joey smirks, understanding that she wants to kiss him but her height makes that difficult. He cups the sides of her face and pushes his lips against hers; slow at first but Lauren soon speeds it up as she grips his collar and pulls him closer to her.

Even though their first kiss was only a few days ago the two of them have been kissing at every opportunity they can find. Joey's never felt so happy. He loves holding her, especially when for some reason it feels so natural.

He pulls away and strokes the hair out of her face. "You're gonna make my lips go numb Lopez." He whispers and she smirks at him.

"No, believe it or not that isn't my final aim." She wraps her arms around his neck so their faces are barely inches apart. "I like kissing you. A lot."

She leans back in and pushes her lips hard against his and Joey smiles against her mouth, feeling so good about what she had just said. Lauren Lopez likes kissing him. He feels a surge of confidence and places his hands on her lower back and pulls her body into his.

Suddenly, as they're making out, they hear the audience applauding again and much to Joey's dismay, Lauren stops kissing him. "It's Stutter now; I have to do the dance with Brian." She says and tries to walk away from him but Joey's grip on her only tightens.

"Can't we just stay here and kiss more.." He wines and she giggles as she struggles harder to leave his hold.

"Joey I have to go on," She whispers and it's a few more moments before he reluctantly let's go and she takes a step away from him.

"There will be plenty of time for that later." She gives him a look and then rushes off to the wings, ready to go on with Brian. Joey sighs and leans against the wall; she has so much power over him. This new physical interaction has only started recently but it feels like they've been doing it forever.

He smiles to himself and runs a hand through his hair; just taking a moment to process everything is slightly overwhelming. It's the first show of their tour and performing next to Lauren is always the most fun, but now whenever she's anywhere near him he just wants to kiss her.

He snaps out of his thoughts slightly when he hears Joe singing onstage and goes over to the wings to watch. It's the chorus just before hers, Joe's and Brian's dance break and as he watches the performance, Lauren and Brian make their way onstage and start dancing.

He grins as he watches her; she's such an amazing dancer her body is moving so effortlessly. It goes on for a little while and then they run offstage again and Joey feels his heart soar with pride; she did such a good job.

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