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On the drive home from McDonalds Lauren just looks out her window, nonchalantly humming along to the music playing on the radio. She can't stop smiling; she had had the best day with Joey. There were so many times when she caught him staring at her without him knowing, and just thinking about the look on his face is enough to give her butterflies.

She smiles to herself and turns to him as he drives down the street; he looks so happy and relaxed. She loves that. Joey obviously notices her staring and looks back at her, returning the smile she's giving him. He keeps his gaze on her for a second but then focuses back on the road.

Lauren sighs happily and looks back out of the window. She's so content right now at this moment in time; she doesn't want it to change.

She fidgets around in her seat, trying to get comfortable in the denim skirt she's wearing. "God, now I remember why I hate wearing skirts," She laughs and looks at Joey for a reaction. As she's watching him she notices he glances down at her bare legs and her eyes widen in shock. She stifles back a laugh and clears her throat, now understanding the effect she unintentionally has on him.

So she decides so take advantage of this.

She smirks to herself and then prepares to start the performance. Lauren flips her hair over so it just lays on one shoulder so her neck is exposed to the side that Joey's sitting on. She takes a deep breath and then starts.

"Fuck, my shoulder has been so sore lately I don't know why," She groans, rubbing her hand slowly up and down her bare skin from her shoulder to her jaw line.

"Oh, really? Have you-" Joey starts to offer advice but when he turns to her all words are lost from his mouth.

Lauren pinches her lips together tightly to stop herself from laughing and nods. "Yeah it's just been aching a lot."

"Maybe should get a massage.." Joey stutters quietly and reluctantly turns his vision back to the road.

Lauren smiles and leans back against the seat triumphantly. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Joey clears his throat and tightens his hands on the steering wheel as Lauren discreetly laughs behind her hand.


"I had a lot of fun today Joey," Lauren smiles and leans her head against the door of her dorm room.

Joey folds his arms with a smirk. "Yeah me too."

The two of them stand there in silence for a few moments as the awkwardness of what to do next unfolds. Lauren looks up at him, her eyes so captivating. "I'll miss you over Thanksgiving," She says with a quiet laugh and Joey nods.

"I know, I'll miss you as well."

More silence.

Not able to bear it any longer, Lauren takes a deep breath and steps forward before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in for a hug. Joey places his hands on her back and holds her tightly, making little circle motions on the material of her clothes.

It's weird, they had hugged so many times over the past two years, but every time they hugged now it felt different. More meaningful.

As Lauren snuggles herself into his chest she feels him lean down and plant a kiss on top of her head, which gives her more butterflies. She pulls away after a moment longer and smiles at him. Just as she's about to go into her dorm however, he stops her.

"Maybe we could call over Thanksgiving?" He blurts out.

Lauren thinks for a moment and then nods. "Yeah, yeah I like that idea." Joey nods, seeming relieved, and Lauren gives him one final grin before opening her door and disappearing behind it, watching as he looks at her right up until she shuts it.

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