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"Lo, I need to have a shower," Joey mumbles against Lauren's lips as she climbs on top of him. It's the next morning and they're still in the hotel room but they need to check out soon and get back to the bus, except Lauren seems to have other ideas.

She smirks and starts leaving a trail of kisses down Joey's neck. "But this is way more fun," She murmurs and laces her fingers with his. As she leads back up to his mouth and kisses him harder, Joey tries again to protest but his voice is muffled and he can't help laughing.

Suddenly the door swings open and in come Brian and Joe. "Morning love birds!" Brian yells and bounds over to the bed.

Lauren jumps off of Joey with a shriek and covers herself with the duvet. "Jesus!" She cries, her heart pounding in her chest. Joey puts his pillow over his face as he shakes with laughter and Lauren hits his arm.

"Oh for fucks sake you two are like rabbits." Joe rolls his eyes as he realises what they had just interrupted.

Lauren glares at the two of them as she pulls the covers up to her chin. "Get out!" She shouts and points to the door.

Brian and Joe back away from the bed, hands up in surrender; they know better by now than to mess with Lauren, especially in the morning. "Okay, okay, the bus is outside the front. Hurry up and be there!" Joe calls and the two boys run from the room and down the hall until Lauren and Joey can't hear them anymore.

Joey shakes his head as the laughter dies down. "They're idiots." He says breathlessly and hands Lauren his t-shirt who is still covering herself up in case they come back.

She grabs it and grumpily pulls it over her head. "No shit." She grumbles and leaves the bed to go to the bathroom.

As soon as the toilet door is closed Joey starts laughing again. He loves his friends. "I can hear you laughing, asshole!" Lauren calls from the bathroom which only makes him laugh harder.


"Guys, we need to do something all together today. The tour is ending so soon and I'm gonna be so sad when I don't see you all everyday." Meredith pouts at the front of the bus.

Lauren steps forward and wraps an arm around her shoulders. "Agreed. What though?"

The next few minutes consist of the group trying to come up with something to do; it takes a while because they all hate each other's ideas. This happens in every situation.

At last, Dylan suggests going to the beach and everyone is able to agree. Joey's excited; even though he lives in LA where there are plenty of beaches, he hasn't actually been in a really long time. Thankfully they all brought their swimming costumes just in case of something like this so that's not an issue and decide to get down there as soon as possible.

It's still pretty early and the sun is bright and warm so now seems like the perfect time to go, especially as there won't be as many people at this time in the day.

"Thank God I brought that bikini," Joey overhears Lauren laughing with Julia and closes his eyes in frustration; he's gonna have to be with Lauren in a bathing suit all day. He's not sure he can handle that. Seeing his girlfriend showing that much skin, especially on such a hot day, isn't going to be easy. He can hardly behave when she's fully clothed so he's definitely going to get on her nerves today.

Lauren catches Joey staring at her and frowns at him with a smile. He just grins back and she rolls her eyes before going back to her conversation. It's so amazing that she's his girlfriend now; it doesn't feel very different from before but just having an official status between them is definitely comforting and Joey loves being able to refer to Lauren as his girlfriend. It's a great feeling.

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