twenty eight

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"Alright guys, we're in Boston!" Nick announces as a sign passes on the road they're currently driving on. Everyone in the bus cheers and claps before carrying on with getting ready for the day. They're in the last week of the tour and the second to last venue, the venue where Darren is going to join them onstage.

Lauren can't wait to see her best friend again; it's been months since Darren left to be on Glee and she misses him. The two of them were in the same classes throughout the whole of college and spent a lot of time together and she's excited to finally see him after all this time, now that he's a celebrity.

Lauren shakes her head and laughs to herself at the thought of Darren being this famous guy from TV that everyone recognises when she just sees him as her friend. Joey sits down next to her. "What are you laughing at?" He rubs her knee with a smile.

Lauren turns to him and smirks. "Just so weird thinking about Darren being a celebrity." She jokes and Joey chuckles in agreement.

"I know, right?"

The two of them laugh and joke about this for a little while as stuff goes on around them; various people getting dressed and eating breakfast but Lauren and Joey don't notice as they cry with laughter, rolling around on the sofas together as the hysterics take over.

Jaime and Dylan watch them from the corner of the bunks. "They're really cute aren't they," Jaime whispers with a smile.

Dylan nods and chuckles quietly. "Sickeningly."



The seven of them cheer as their friend appears in the theatre, walking smoothly through the aisles of seats and towards the stage where they're all gathered.

"Hey guys," Darren grins and runs up the stairs, but before he can make it any further they all tackle him in a group hug. He laughs loudly as his hair is ruffled by various hands and his ribs are poked by random fingers. "Okay okay," He chuckles and pushes them all away from him. "Darren's back, baby!"

More cheering.

As the group breaks apart, Darren goes around the room, individually catching up with everyone, starting with Lauren.

"Lauren Lopez." He smiles knowingly at her and she grins back at him before the two of them hug, squeezing one another with equal tightness.

"I missed you," She murmurs into his shoulder.

Darren rubs her back and leaves a small kiss on her hair before pulling away. "I missed you too, Lo."

He looks her up and down as they break apart and shakes his head. "Still as beautiful as ever," He smirks at her and she rolls her eyes in response with a laugh.

"Oh shut up."

They intend to catch up on what the two of them have been getting up to but Joe has other ideas. "Don't start making any moves on Joey's girl, Darren." He smirks and there are quiet sniggers from the rest of the group.

Lauren goes red and looks down as Darren frowns in confusion. "Wait, what?"

Joey sheepishly walks over to the two of them and wraps an arm around Lauren, clearly feeling awkward. "Surprise!" He jokes. Lauren closes her eyes in embarrassment but can't help smiling.

Darren still looks very confused but opens his arms in a welcoming manner. "Mazel tov, I guess!" He brings the two of them in for a hug while everyone else laughs at the odd interaction.


"Okay so what do you guys know about this?" Darren gestures to Lauren and Joey. It's a little later and the eight of them are sat in one of the dressing rooms, chatting.

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