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Joey danced around his bathroom to a song on the radio brushing his teeth, his towel wrapped around his waist. He hummed the tune, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Today was the first rehearsal for Space Tour and he couldn't be more excited; he hadn't seen any of these people since Starship because most of them graduated in 2009.

He spat the toothpaste into his sink and then grinned in the mirror, checking to see his teeth were actually clean. Once satisfied, he walked into the bedroom and got dressed.

Since Summer break, Joey had decided to make a little more of an effort with his appearance, and that means taking longer in the mornings. He picked out an outfit and then started doing his daily work out next to his bed.

It's not ideal but the gym is on the other side of the campus and he needed to be on this side for the rehearsal.

He did push ups and crunches and sit ups for about 20 minutes before walking back into the bathroom to do his hair. He was taking a lot more care this morning and tried to push back the thought that it was because Lauren was going to be there today. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, starting to doubt that he would ever get over her.

Joey had liked Lauren since the moment he set his eyes on her 3 years ago in 2008. He thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, and that still hadn't changed. She was so talented, funny and intelligent; everyone either wanted to be her, be her friend or be with her. And that only became more prominent when AVPM blew up.

All the fans were obsessed with Lauren; sure they loved everyone else too, but there's that different type of atmosphere when Lauren came on stage. She really knew how to get everyone in the room in the palm of her hand, not excluding Joey.

He looked down and ran a hand through his hair. The only thing was he would never tell Lauren how he felt. He knows for a fact that she just saw him as a friend and that would probably not change anytime soon.

However, that didn't put Joey off trying to up his appearance just because he knew she would see him.

He pulled on a vest and some sweatpants and hung a silver necklace round his neck, checked over in the mirror and pulled a few faces to see if he looked alright.

Once satisfied, he grabbed his bag and ran out the door, realising he was already late.


Joey sprinted towards the drama building and saw Joe Walker doing the same thing. He beelined over to him and bent over, trying to get his breath back.

"Hey man," He said breathlessly, his hand on Joe's shoulder. "I'm just going to get some water if Nick asks where I am." He explained and Joe nodded. "Yeah okay, I'll see you in there."

Joey made his way over to the cafeteria and then to the water machine where he filled up his bottle, and then filled it up again after drinking most of it as a way to try and get his breath back after the run from his dorm room.

Realising he's taken long enough, he started to make his way back over to the drama block. It's pretty cold but Joey was sweating from the amount of of exercise he had unintentionally done. He took a few deep breaths as he walked, trying to calm himself down as he processed that Lauren was only a few feet away.

After a few moments of standing out in the corridor nervously, he pulled himself together and walked into the rehearsal room.

"Hey guys!" He called out cheerily and everyone ran over, greeting him and giving him hugs.

He said hello to all of his friends, having thoroughly missed them for the past 6 months. Trying to spot Lauren, he looked around, using his height as a way to look over everyone's heads.

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