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It's a week later and since that time when Lauren slept in Joey's bunk, it now happens every night. Although thankfully no one seems to have realised that Lauren's bunk is now completely out of use.

Lauren lightly runs her fingers over Joey's arm as he breathes deeply in his sleep. She smiles at how cute he looks; his long hair is flopped over one side of his face and his eyes are so delicately closed. She moves so her chin is resting on his chest and she has a better view.

A few moments later his eyes scrunch up and he grumbles at the back of his throat. He glances down at Lauren and smiles, still half asleep. Lauren threads her fingers through his hair and softly moves it out of his face. She leans forward and kisses him, only slightly pushing her lips against his. Joey wraps his arm around her and lies his head back down on the pillow.

"Morning," He murmurs and strokes her back with his thumb.

"Morning Jojo." Lauren whispers, not able to take her eyes off of him. She finds his free hand under the duvet and entwines her fingers with his and then brings his hand to her lips and kisses it gently.

Joey smiles, his eyes closed. "Cutie." He says quietly.

Lauren grins and lays her head back onto his chest. She hasn't been able to keep her hands off of him for the past week. Obviously they're limited as to how physical they can be because they're on a tour bus with ten other people, but they've been sneaking kisses and cuddles at any opportunity they can find.

As they lie there together, more people start to stir around them. Lauren hears groans and murmurs as the sound of waking up is heard in their neighbouring bunks. She takes comfort in the fact that the curtain is drawn across their bed so no one else can see them.

"I better leave before people start noticing I'm not in my bed," Lauren whispers but Joey's grip on her tightens.

"No, let's stay here all day." He moans and she giggles quietly.

She pries her hands off of her waist and gives him one final kiss. "Sorry Jojo." She pokes her head out of the bunk and sees that no one else is out there before carefully jumping down and rushing off to the bathroom to wash her face.

She splashes the water on her skin and gasps slightly at how cold it is. She pats her cheeks dry and just as she's about to leave the toilet again, the door opens. She rolls her eyes. "Uh, there's actually someone in here," She says bluntly but the door continues to open and suddenly Joey's head pops into the gap.

He smirks at her and shuffles further in until he's standing in the tiny toilet with her. Lauren folds her arms and raises her eyebrows at him as he closes her door behind him, there's a cheeky expression on his face.

"Can I help you?" Lauren asks and he shrugs.

"Dunno, maybe." He places his hands on her hips and pulls him towards her and Lauren grips his arms tightly, slightly taken off guard by the sudden movement.

She rolls her eyes. "This couldn't have waited?"

Joey smirks and pushes her up against the sink. "Don't act like you want me to leave," He mutters and kisses her, his hands immediately moving from her hips to the sides of her face.

Lauren smiles against his lips and wraps her arms around his waist, humming softly into his mouth. Joey puts his hands under her thighs and shifts her in one swift motion so she's sitting on the sink. He takes another step towards her, all the while still kissing her, and stands in the gap between her legs.

Lauren pulls away after a little while and holds her hands loosely around the back of his neck. She smiles and sighs softly. "I could kiss you all day," She shakes her head in astonishment and Joey chuckles.

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