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"Hey Mom, hey Dad," Joey grins as his parents bring him in for a hug in the middle of the busy airport.

Denise pulls away and cups the sides of his face to look at him more closely. She smiles and strokes his hair. "You look so handsome!"

Joey rolls his eyes and kisses her cheek. "Thanks Mom." Bob takes one of Joey's suitcases and starts walking towards the exit of the airport as Joey and Denise follow closely behind.

Denise wraps her hand around her son's arm. "I want to hear everything you've been up to." She whispers and Joey laughs.

"I don't doubt it."


"I'm just going to go put my stuff in my room, and then I'll help you make dinner," Joey tells his Mother and she nods.

"Okay sweetie."

Joey makes his way up the stairs to his bedroom and can't help but smile when he opens the door; it's exactly as he left it in August. The bed's still not made, the bin still hasn't been emptied and his clothes are still hanging out of his dresser; untidy but home.

He drops his bags by the door and takes a seat on his bed; it's so good to be home. He loves college and seeing his friends will always be his favourite thing to do, but he loves his parents too and they live on the other side of the country. He misses them constantly and he knows they do too; Joey's an only child so being thousands of miles from home every year isn't easy for his parents. But he's here now and he's going to make sure it's worth it.

"Joey?" Denise calls up the stairs when he doesn't come down after a little while to help her.

"Coming!" He leaves his room and makes his way to the kitchen.

"Wash your hands before you start please," She smiles at him when he appears. Joey goes over to the sink and starts running his hands underneath the tap. He thinks over maybe telling his mom about Lauren; he tells her everything and he knows she loves Lauren, but telling someone about it only makes it feel more real, and Joey doesn't even know what it is.

"Hey, Mom?" He rubs soap into his hands and wrings them together under the water.

Denise continues to prepare the dinner, her back to him. "Yes honey?"

Joey breathes out slowly and then stands next to her in front of the counter. "So me and this girl have been getting closer recently.."

At those words Denise starts to smile, all the while not looking at Joey as she knows it will only embarrass him further. "Oh?" She says nonchalantly.

Joey clears his throat. "Yeah..I've liked her for a while and I think she might like me back.." He explains nervously.

Denise's smile grows wider and she turns to him. "Would this happen to be Lauren?"

Joey's eyes widen and he feels his heart beat faster in his chest. "Uh..why- why would you think it was..Lauren?" He stutters and Denise laughs quietly.

"Joey, I'm your Mother. I've seen the way you look at her; it's so sweet." She rubs his arms sympathetically.

Joey starts to smile and his cheeks glow red. Denise moves his hair out of his face and holds her hand under his chin. "I'm not surprised she likes you back Joey; you're such a lovely boy. And so handsome!" She exclaims and Joey laughs. "I wouldn't worry sweetheart; if you think she likes you back you must be doing something right." She smiles at him and Joey bends down and kisses her forehead.

"Thanks Mom."

"But the thing is," The two of them turn back to the counter and continue preparing dinner. "I don't know what to do about it..every time we hang out it's so fun and there's this amazing feeling between us, but that's all it is. Just a feeling." He feels his heart sink a little as he admits this to himself for the first time.

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