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Lauren reaches her hand up and slaps the snooze button on her alarm and the beeping finally stops. She groans and lies back on the bed before combing her hair out of her face; it's 6am and the day Space Tour starts. Nick had asked them to meet at 7 and Lauren knows how long she takes to get ready so had planned ahead; 'know thyself' and all that.

She swings her legs off of the mattress and stumbles off of her bed, swaying a little from side to side over to the bathroom as the early rise still sets in. Her phone starts buzzing in her hand and she turns it on, squinting at the brightness of the screen.

As her eyes adjust, she sees that Joey's texted her and her face grows into a smile. She feels butterflies flutter around her stomach just at the thought of him as the memories of last night cloud her mind.

Morning Lo, just making sure you're awake; I know how long you take to get ready ;) I can't wait to see you today xx

Lauren pinches her lips together, feeling a large amount of overwhelming joy fill her up. This is all she wants. This feeling she's experiencing right now, forever.

Good morning. And yes i'm awake, asshole ;) I can't wait to see you either xx

She presses send and then grins to herself before going into her bathroom to get ready. She has a quick shower but mainly uses the running water to splash in her face and wake herself up more. After Joey had walked her home last night she had just laid in bed for a little while, not able to sleep. The excitement in her stomach kept her fully awake, and Lauren can still feel it there now.

She grins to herself as she brushes her teeth, and then when she ties her hair up, and then when she gets dressed. Her smile doesn't falter the entire time she's getting ready as Joey is the only thing showing in her mind.

Lauren's so excited that the tour is starting today; everyone's been working super hard in rehearsals over the past couple of months and it's all coming together. It feels like they may be slightly underprepared but Nick, Matt and Julia have been working hard behind the scenes so she trusts that they know what they're doing.

They'll just be travelling today and getting to their first location and then the first performance is in two days time; Lauren's terrified but also filled with adrenaline and excitement; she can't wait to perform to all the fans and get to meet so many of the people who make things like this possible.

Once she's ready to leave she checks over the packing list she made on her phone to make sure she's got everything for the next few months and, once satisfied, leaves her dorm room with all her suitcases in her hand, and locks the door behind her.


"Hey guys!" Lauren calls as she makes her way over to the tour bus outside the University where everyone else is gathered.

"Hey, Lauren's finally here!" Joe jokes and everyone laughs. Lauren flips her middle finger up at him as she puts her bags down on the pavement next to the group breathlessly.

"Hey, I'm 8 minutes early!" She protests and Meredith leans her head on her shoulder affectionately.

"Yeah guys leave her alone." She smirks and Lauren wraps her arms around her.

"Yeah, I've got my own Meredith as protection." She grins and everyone laughs again.

Nick and Matt join the group with lots of paperwork in their hands. "Morning guys!" Nick grins and everyone cheers. "Who's excited to start the Starkid Space Tour!" More cheering. The next few minutes consist of getting various pieces of admin done as Nick, Matt and Julia sort through all the last minute tasks.

Lauren looks around for Joey but can't see him anywhere. She frowns a little and turns to Meredith. "Where's Joey?" She asks casually.

"Oh, I don't think he's here yet," She shrugs and Lauren feels the frustration of wanting to see him again bubble up more and more inside

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