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As Lauren turns the corner and into the shopping mall she feels her hair blow off of her shoulders as the warm air of the entrance fans welcomes her. She pats down any stray hairs that may have fallen out of place on top of her head and then proceeds to rush through the building.

She grins as she walks, feeling a slight spring in her step; she's meeting Joey to shop for their tour outfits today and it's the first time she's seen him since before Thanksgiving break. She can't wait.

She soon spots the store they're meeting at and bee lines towards it, looking around desperately to see if he's here already and then she sees him leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets. He's wearing a v-neck t-shirt and skinny black jeans with a silver necklace hanging on his chest. Lauren's smile grows wider and she feels butterflies in her stomach just from looking at him as she's reminded just how much she likes him.

As she gets closer and closer to him he finally looks up and sees her, his face spreading into a grin as big as hers. He strides forward and meets her in the middle before scooping her up in his arms.

"Joey," Lauren breathes and clings onto him tightly, breathing in his scent of aftershave.

His arms tighten around her waist as he rocks her back and forth while they hug. "Hi."

They continue to hold each other for a few moments longer as Lauren buries her face in the crook of his neck. Finally, Joey pulls away, his cheeks red with flush as he grins at her.

Lauren smiles at him, the butterflies in her stomach becoming more and more wild. "I missed you," She says softly and Joey takes her hand in his.

"I missed you too."

They walk down the mall together hand in hand, going into various shops but not really finding anything.

A couple of hours pass and Lauren finally sees her favourite store in the distance. She squeals and drags Joey over as he moans in protest.

"Lauren, I'm hungry," He wines and she rolls her eyes.

"Oh shut up, if we can't find anything in here we'll go for lunch, okay?" She pulls him inside as Joey sighs in defeat.

They go over to the women's section as Lauren comes up with the plan to shop for her first, and then him, and then try the stuff on. "So we're looking for blue," Joey mutters as his eyes scan for that colour.

Lauren laughs. "Yeah no shit, it's called Space Tour." She looks at him and he rolls his eyes with a smirk.

Suddenly he spots something and makes his way over as Lauren continues to look where she is. He grabs the blue item and it unfolds itself to reveal a tank top. "Lauren, what about this?" He calls to her and holds up the clothing so she can see it over the shelves.

Her face changes to pleasantly surprised and she comes over. She takes the item out of his hands and looks at it for a second before nodding and putting it in her basket. "Yeah, this looks good; I'll try it on."

Lauren holds up what she found and shows it to Joey. "I found these black sparkly shorts; you think they would go together okay?" She asks and Joey nods.

"Yeah, looks great." She throws those in the basket as well.

"Okay," She puts her hands on her hips. "Let's find something for you."

The two of them make their way over to the men's section and after a bit of searching find a blue shirt and a sleeveless jacket. "Yeah?" Joey asks after a little bit of looking at the clothes on the hanger.

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