005. Poison Ivy

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Part One / Chapter Five

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Part One / Chapter Five

"Girls follow me please, boys follow Ron to your dormitories."

Venus who'd talked most of the way to the Gryffindor common room. Ron only chiming in to make a sarcastic comment or a widely inappropriate joke with the first years. Venus scolded him more than the 11-year olds, they're were touring. "There are seven dormitories for first years. . . over there! Four girls to a room, and you should find your names on the door. Enjoy the rest of your night loves."

The girls voiced sweet farewells together; Venus watched as they, one by one, disappeared into their dormitories. Cordelia stepped out of hers and walked over to Venus, a smile broadening her cheeks.

"Hi," Cordelia said nervously, shifting her weight on both of her feet. "Thank you for everything—" Cordelia motioned toward her bandaged head. "—injury included."

"I hope you haven't forgotten our promise?"

"Beat Malfoy in my third year, any weapon necessary."

"That's my girl," Venus laughed. "My names Venus. Venus Rosario and if you ever needed anything, I'm in Dorm 6."

"Maybe an alibi for where I was during Malfoy's attack?" Venus poked Cordelia for her comment, chuckling a few mere minutes after Cordelia had retreated back into her dormitory.

The boys in first year were nowhere in sight. Venus only hoped they were safely in their beds. Constance should be back from the Great Hall by now— Venus thought. She threw off the excess garments from her robes along with her Prefect badge.

"V-Venus?" The high-strung call came from Harry Potter. "Can I talk to you?"

Venus did not want to speak with him. There was a reason she avoided him since the train ride. Did he not take a hint? She would have said no, if her infectious desire to please people hadn't made her say yes. She followed Harry in front of the fire place. She kept herself far away from him, crossing her arms over her chest irritably.

Harry struggled to put his words into a sentence, meaning he blabbed "I, Oh, You, Can, We, Er—"

"Are you going to tell me something, Harry?" said Venus in an bothered bellow. She stopped looking at him, and instead, stared into the fireplace. The vibrant light from the flames burning her eyes. But she'd rather do this than look at Harry stutter one more time. "Are you going to stand there and waste my time!"

Harry's jaw clenched. "What is your problem with me?"

Venus could name a reason, a big reason. Being a sitting duck while Sirius slapped her, having the nerve to talk to her now that he knew she was Sirius' daughter or because she was Head Girl with Ron; thinking that made them any closer. Venus didn't want to hate Harry. But she couldn't help it. She couldn't help but be jealous of Him and Sirius' relationship, the dad she longed for had been fathering someone else.

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