017. When Push Comes To Shove

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Part One / Chapter Seventeen

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Part One / Chapter Seventeen

The only person Venus confided in about the Article was Tonks. Venus didn't usually sit in the Great Hall at seven in the morning waiting for mail, but she could use advice, and that advice would be from Tonks. The owl post arrived and hundreds of owls fluttered into the hall. An envelope fell in front of Venus, she ripped it open immediately and read it to herself:

Dear Vee,
Just read what they said about you on the Daily Prophet. Mum would be unflattered by how much I cursed after reading it. Arseholes, they are. I'm glad no one's tried anything, but if they do, fight fire with fire. Don't be afraid to make a knuckle sandwich (I don't know how Muggles use the term, but close enough right?) Don't pick the fight first, or they can pin it on you, and don't ask me how I know that. Mum and Dad send their love, but I send more.

       "Vee, guess what!" Constance shrieked from the entrance of the Great Hall running to where Venus was sat with Hermione. "Princess Diana divorced Prince Charles, I cannot believe it!" She flipped through the pages of her Muggle magazine her sister sent her, a stream of emotions came after as she continued reading. Venus and Hermione shared an amused look.

       "That's sad news," Hermione replied taking a small sip of pumpkin juice.

       "No. It's amazing," said Constance, "supposedly he cheated on her, he deserved it."

       "Go Diana," Venus sarcastically cheered.

       Harry and Ron sit across from the girls. As usual, Ron piles eggs, bacon, and toast onto his plate. On the other hand, Harry didn't seem like he was in the mood to eat anything. Venus assumed with how Sirius was acting the other night, it'd bummed him to the point he lost his appetite. She still hadn't spoken to him, but with how he was feeling right now she wanted to ask him if he was alright. Venus shook the thought out of her head. She didn't care about his feelings, she shouldn't care.

       "Hi Constance," Ron gawked, not swallowing his food entirely and spitting some on Harry, "sorry mate."

       "Hello Roger," she greeted not looking up from her magazine. "Wannabe just hit number one."

       "Ooooh, I like Spice Girls," said Venus. Now suddenly interested in Constance's magazine.

       The departing delivery owl had barely cleared the top of the milk jug when Hermione let out a huge gasp and flattened the newspaper to reveal a large photograph of Dolores Umbridge, smiling widely and blinking slowly at them from beneath the headline:


       Swallowing the last bit of his food, Ron reads it aloud. He looks back up at the other four, "What's that mean?"

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