024. Dumbledore's Army

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Part One / Chapter Twenty-Four

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Part One / Chapter Twenty-Four

The memory charm was taught to Venus her first at Hogwarts. She'd never actually used it, or had it used on her before. A chunk of her memory had been torn from her mind. As much as she clawed, searched and tore at her memories, she couldn't find what she was looking for. She couldn't explain the comforting sensation that suffocated her. Muffled voices were merely touching the surface of her mind, it wasn't until she felt herself pull away from the force that kept her asleep.

Venus jolted awake with so much power she nearly toppled off. Hermione and Constance were staring at her, eyes so wide it was as if they'd seen a death eater. The last thing Venus remembered were her ears bleeding. While avoiding the girls questions she she raced into the bathroom. It was the exact opposite of what she was expecting, no blood, absolutely nothing. She actually looked better than she did yesterday.

       "Vee, what on earth happened to you?" asked Constance; her reflection appearing being Venus, who continued to check her ears and face. "What are you looking for?"

       "I thought I was bleeding," Venus pulled her hair up and checked the mirror one more time, and saw nothing once again. "Did I miss anything important today?"

       "What are you talking about, Venus?" said Hermione exchanging a worrisome look with Venus.

       "I missed the last portion of Charms when Umbridge pulled me out. Then, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts." Venus replied.

       Why were they acting so weird?

       "No. It's not," stated Hermione.

       Constance chimed in and said, "it's Wednesday, you never came back to class and when we came back to the dormitory you were in bed, asleep. You slept through the entire night, Vee."

       "What did Umbridge say to you?" Hermione asked clutching onto her bag.

       All Venus could hear was a fine ring, the two girls voices faded slowly like they were floating farther and farther away. Venus couldn't think. She was sure it was Tuesday, she remembered leaving class with Umbridge. She remembered it was Tuesday. Tuesday. It was Tuesday. Not Wednesday.

       "Vee!" Venus snapped out of her state and looked at Constance. "What happened yesterday?"

       "That's the thing," Venus croaked. Her knuckles gripped the sink so hard they whitened. "I can't remember."

The Morning and Afternoon were filled with Ron and Hermione asking an endless amount of questions. Only recovering I don't know's from Venus. Hermione reckoned that Umbridge obliviated her. She agreed with the girls theory. Not because she believed her, but she just needed her to stop talking. Venus didn't recall Umbridge ever chanting "Obliviate" or any words. She couldn't remember anything about her exchange with Umbridge.

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