044. Venus Black

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Part Two / Chapter Forty-Four

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Part Two / Chapter Forty-Four

Venus spent an early part of the morning watching Snowflake chase birds in her front yard. The morning was cool, but simultaneously warm. She watched the late sun rise as the spectacle of her small town began to brighten. Andromeda and Tonks hadn't awoken yet, while Ted had gone off to work just as Venus had woken up. She was already dressed in a red sweater and Jean shorts for her trip back to Hogwarts. Snowflake was now in her lap, panting rapidly from her exercise.

The door opened and Andromeda Tonks, still in her nightgown, looked down at Venus on the rocking chair. "Oh, sweetheart. What are doing up so early?" she asked wonderfully.

"Went to bed early last night," Venus shrugged, stroking Snowflake's head and listening to the cat purr in her arms. "I made you tea."

Andromeda looked as if she radiated the sun's rays. "You are the sweetest girl ever," she smiled. Even under her facade, Venus could tell Andromeda was nervous.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" asked Venus.

"Er— yes, actually there is. I was going to have to tell you sooner or later," Andromeda confessed. Venus felt her stomach begin to knot. "The Ministry is sending Aurors to take you to King Cross Station, but Dora will be accompanying you, so you won't be alone."

"What?" Venus said distrustingly. That's not what she wanted to hear.

Andromeda nodded. "I'll go wake Dora. That girl sleeps like a rock."

A black town car pulled over in front of the Tonks house. Two Aurors, dressed in dark blue Muggle suits stood outside, their eyes hidden behind dark tinted sunglasses. One of them waved his wand and Venus' trunk was levitated out from her bedroom window and into the trunk of their car, ending in a soft thump that Venus assumed was her window closing again.

The door opened again.

"Why are Aurors coming to take me to Hogwarts?" Venus asked, thinking Andromeda had come back out.

"Taking precautions so Bellatrix doesn't off you of course," said Tonks jokingly. It was nice hearing her joke again.

"Why would Bellatrix Lestrange want to hurt me?" Venus asked, then she stopped. "Don't even answer that question."

Tonks gave a light chuckle taking another bite from her apple. They sat beside eachother watching the Aurors stand by their town car.

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