062. Angels On The Line

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Part Three / Chapter Sixty-Two

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Part Three / Chapter Sixty-Two

Rain was drumming softly against the roof of the Tonks house.

The water marked the windows, dampened the soil outside and changed the atmosphere everywhere around them. Venus hadn't fallen asleep yet. Andromeda and Ted were still awake for some reason. The kitchen light crept under her bedroom door. She hadn't drifted off because she felt the rain approaching and waited for the droplets of water to begin falling. It calmed her. The light pitter-patter helped her ignore the constant thoughts of Metatron and the other angels, and what they were doing or what they were planning.

Then, a booming crash rattled the photos mounted on her wall. She peered down through her window. Someone was outside. Too dark for her to determine who it is, Venus darted out of her bedroom and down the stairs into the living room. The front door was wide open and Andromeda waited beside it anxiously. Venus felt the cold breeze rush past her and in the house, hugging herself she let out a shaky breath. "Auntie, whats going on?"

Before Andromeda could respond, Ted hurried back inside. Harry was glued to his side. Face littered with dirt and blood, his body limp. Ted placed him carefully on the couch and dropping tiredly on the armchair across from him.

Venus gulped. "What's happened to him?" she asked horrifyingly, peering down at an unconscious Harry. "Death eaters?"

Ted and Andromeda gave each other a glance. What weren't they telling her? Hagrid, in the same state as Harry, came hurtling into the living room. He dropped a rucksack on the ground and stood in place in terror watching Harry. Without a second thought, Venus approached him. "Hagrid, whats happened?"

"Death Eaters. T-The Order had a plan ter take Harry here an' then ter the Weasley's." He answered. Venus shot glares at Ted and Andromeda. Hagrid look absolutely bewildered. "I was wondering why yeh weren't there, Venus..." He trailed off after noticing the tension in the air amongst the family.

"Why didn't I know about this?" Venus asked, failing miserably at hiding the anger in her voice. "I could have helped!" she said, raising her voice slightly. "Maybe this would've never happened."

"We don't want you involved." Ted stated. Venus looked at Andromeda.

"No." Venus said blankly. "She doesn't want me involved." She pointed an accusing finger at Andromeda. "I could have flown Harry out of the Dursley's and to the Weasley's perfectly fine. Well, if I'd known of course."

"Don't pick a fight with me now, Venus Celeste." Andromeda warned. They'd stomped dangerously close to each other. Both wearing infuriated looks on their faces. It scared Ted to the point that he wedged himself between them before a fist fight broke out. Of course Venus would never lay a finger on her aunt, but with her temper these days. Ted had no idea what she was capable of now.

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