Part One / Chapter Nine
"Come in here, Potter, Rosario," they followed Professor McGonagall inside the study.
The door closing automatically behind Venus and Harry. She was a lot more fidgety than Harry was, Andromeda would kill her if she hears about this. Harry, on the other hand, didn't have to fret as much as she did. His cold demeanor remained as they stood inside McGonagall's study.
"Well?" said Professor McGonagall, rounding on them. "Is it true?"
"Is what true?" Harry said, quite rudely. "Professor?" He added in a politer tone.
"Is it true that you and Ms. Rosario shouted at Professor Umbridge?"
"I shouted, Venus didn't." said Harry defensively.
"Did you talk back to her, Ms. Rosario?"
"Yes Professor." Venus replied quietly.
"You called her a liar?" Professor McGonagall said to Harry.
"You told her He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back?"
Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, frowning at Venus and Harry. Then she said, "Have a biscuit."
Venus watched Harry get ready to retaliate to what McGonagall had said, when he fully registered her words. He replied, "Have — what?"
"Have a biscuit," she repeated impatiently, indicating a tartan tin of cookies lying on top of one of the piles of papers on her desk. "And sit down."
Venus' eyebrows unknotted as she shuffled towards a seat. Sinking into a chair opposite of McGonagall and helped herself to a Snickerdoodle, feeling just as confused and wrong-footed as Harry, who was munching on a Ginger Newt.
Professor McGonagall set down Professor Umbridge's note and looked very seriously at them. "You two need to be careful."
Venus choked on her mouthful of biscuit and stared at McGonagall. She understood why Harry had to be careful, but why her? Considering her tone of voice was not at all what she was used to. It made Venus antsy about what their new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor was truly capable of.
"Misbehavior in Dolores Umbridge's class could cost you much more than House points and a detention." Her voice was low and anxious and somehow more human than usual. Not a good sign coming from Professor McGonagall.
Harry began, "What do you — ?"
"Use your common sense," snapped Professor McGonagall, with an abrupt return to her usual manner. "You know where she comes from, you must know to whom she is reporting."