071. Fight Or Flight

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Part Three / Chapter Seventy-One

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Part Three / Chapter Seventy-One

Fear. It can be a simple feeling, like when you almost lose your footing while riding a skateboard or nearly drop the glass vase your mother told you not to touch. It can also be overwhelming, a sense of fight or flight as you're on the brink of your own demise. Venus sat on the ground, hands bloodied and bruised, contemplating whether she should fight or flee. She's a Gryffindor, she should be anything but cowardly. But if you were in her shoes, what would you do?

"If the Dark Lord has come to the agreement, then that's alright with me." Bellatrix huffed. "What about you, Lucius?"

Lucius nodded. Metatron looked pleased, she gave a dark smile and let out a rambunctious laugh. "I don't need your approval, I was going to kill her anyway."

"You can take him and the ginger downstairs, sweetheart." Metatron instructed Fenrir. He eyed Bellatrix and she nodded.

Harry was yanked away from Venus' side, their hands being ripped apart. Ron was being held by his neck by one of the Snatchers. The struggling footsteps and squeaks of their shoes echoed throughout the foyer and instantly silenced once the huge doors behind them had shut. Metatron and Bellatrix's auras were intense, even though the room had gone completely silent, somehow it was still noisy to the point Venus felt her ears ringing.

"So, let's have a talk." Bellatrix sneered. "Just us girls. Where did you get this sword?"

"We-we found it near our campsite-" Hermione hiccuped, slowly backing away from the death eater.

"Lies!" Bellatrix shouted, "don't they teach you in Church that lying is a sin?"

Metatron eyed her, rolling her eyes and peering down at a petrified Venus. Throughout her first few months at Hogwarts, Venus had turned into someone completely different. She was a goody two shoes, always followed the rules, freaked out in the slightest bit of disobedience. Now, she didn't care whether she was thrown into detention, or the dungeon. She felt superior to the rest of the dark wizards, because none of them had a chance against her. Not in the slightest. However, as she sat looking up at Metatron. She felt small. Smaller than ever.

"You reek of fear, little one." Metatron said, kneeling down toward her.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Bellatrix shoot a spell at Constance and Hermione. Their hands now tied with heavy chains, pressing them against the floor. Bellatrix pulled a knife out of her pocket.

"Stop!" Venus shouted, but a finger stopped her from yelling any more.

Metatron shushed her, "There's no need to yell, that woman over there thrives off pain. You're just powering her up." Metatron twirled the Archangel blade in her hand, stopping it in front of Venus' chest. "Now. I have one very simple question for you, where's God's grace?"

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