034. The Tiger and The Tigress

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Part One / Chapter Thirty-Four

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Part One / Chapter Thirty-Four

Large groups of fifth years stood in the Room of Requirement, some shot animals form their wands that frolicked around the room, while others shot puffs of blue light. If it weren't for this D.A. meeting, Venus would most likely be drowning in study guides, textbooks and practice sheets right now, which she preferred at the moment. She waved her wand in frustration, watching a black and white cat, comprised in blue light, purr at Constance's feet.

"Eurgh — how are you doing it?!" Venus whined, only small, sad exhalations of blue light seeped from her wand.

"You aren't thinking hard enough," Constance said calmly, "What happy memory did you choose?"

"A Sunday afternoon back at home—" Venus answered. Constance put a finger up and she immediately stopped talking.

"That's not enough," she sighed. "Think deeper."

And that's what Venus began to do, as different scenarios played behind her shut eyes. Laughing with her friends by the fireplace; Christmas with the Weasley's at 12 Grimmauld Place; Sirius telling her he was proud of her; Harry giving Venus the charm. Venus opened her eyes, as the gem on her neck burnt a pale pink, the tip of her wand seeped with blue light forming into the body of a Tigress. She watched as the creature roared ferociously and gamboled around her.

"I did it!" Venus exclaimed; her eyes never leaving the Tigress that was now licking her paw. "Harry — look!"

Harry moved away from Lavender, who had been struggling before, was now watching a Robin soar above and beyond.

"A tigress?" Harry said, admiring the animal in front of Venus. "Very impressive."

"Whats your patronus form again?" Venus asked, the excitement making her sound breathless.

"A stag," Harry replied, taking out his wand. "Here — I can show you."

After Harry uttered the Incantation, "Expecto Patronum" she looked for a Stag amongst the animals that were galloping about the Room of Requirement. She was so focused on looking for Harry's stag, she missed watching her Tigress nuzzle into the neck of a Tiger.

The door of the Room of Requirement opened and then closed again; Harry's blue light fizzed away as he looked around to see who had entered. It was a few moments before he realized that the people close to the door had fallen silent. He looked down and saw, to his very great astonishment, a house-elf peering up at him from beneath his usual eight hats.

"Hi, Dobby!" Harry said. "What are you — what's wrong?"

For the elf's eyes were wide with terror and he was shaking. The members of the D.A. closest to Harry, including Venus, had fallen silent now: Everybody in the room was watching Dobby. The few Patronuses people had managed to conjure faded away into silver mist, leaving the room looking much darker than before.

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