015. Law Of Attraction

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Part One / Chapter Fifteen

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Part One / Chapter Fifteen

Venus had woken up late that Saturday morning. The lights snores of Constance rippling in the air. Venus pulled a sweater over her head and kept the joggers that she'd slept in. Too sleepy to do anything with her hair, she left it a bushy mess.

After sliding on her sneakers, Venus patrolled the halls making sure Fred and George weren't sneaking in products behind her back. She found them in the common room, but they weren't doing what she'd expect them to be doing. They were taking down their posters instead of pinning them up along the walls like they'd done the week before. Lee Jordan stood behind them; arms crossed with his head shaking contentedly.

       "Do my eyes deceive me or did the notorious Weasley Twins actually listen to me?" she said blissfully. Venus still stared at them in astonishment. Her arms crossed like Lee, but a smile spread on her face.

       "I'm just as shocked as you are," Lee said walking to the portrait, head still shaking in frustration. "It's quite disappointing, mates!"

       "Listen, Venus," said Fred. "We're sorry about what we said that day."

       "So, we wanted to make it up to you." George continued, shuffling threw his bag.

       "You guys didn't have to," she watched George dig through his bag. The longer he took, the more antsy Venus became. "I swear if It's some product that turns me into a leprechaun, I will kill you both with my bare hands."

       "No, nothing like that." Fred smirked. All of the sudden, George yanked his hand from inside his bag, holding what looked like an old photograph. "Like we said, we wanted to make it up to you."

       "So, we asked our Mum for a favor and she sent us this." George finished, handing Venus the photograph. "Dad had a knick for photographing when he attended Hogwarts, he was out in the lawns one day and well. . . The photo explains it all."

       It resembled the outline of a Polaroid, the sides scratched and discolored. Two people, a man and a woman, were in the frame. She loved the way the man kissed the woman on the cheek and her instant reaction being to kiss him back. The two bore bright smiles.

      The woman wore a beautiful sage lace dress, her curly hair pulled back into a messy knot. A crescent and moon shaped pendant rested on her chest. The man wore a suit, though with his jacket off and his sleeves cuffed over his elbows; They looked quite elegant, like they were on a date. She watched their smiles replay over and over again, they were so happy, so young.

       Why did she have to die?

       "We used some developing potion for it to move," said Fred, feeling the need to speak because Venus stood there not saying a word; only observing the photograph. "You look like her Venus."

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