076. The Battle of Hogwarts

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Part Three / Chapter Seventy-Six

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Part Three / Chapter Seventy-Six

Venus watched the protective dome above their heads shrivel up and crumble. It peeled from the hole that the death eaters created and Mcgonagall tried to desperately fix it. Along with some other students that had crowded around them.

"We can't fix it." Venus gulped anxiously. She was keeping the comment in her mind, with no intention of scaring or upsetting anyone around her. But with the intention of alerting them before it was too late.

"There has to be something we can do." Blaise insisted with a fierce fire in his eyes, waving his wand toward the disintegrating border that separates them from the figures nearing toward the castle.

She shook her head, "You see the red outlining the dome?" Venus pointed out. Blaise nodded. "That's dark magic, which can only be combatted with dark magic itself."

"She's right." McGonagall looked defeated and dropped her wand to her side. "All we can do now is prepare ourselves. Use both stunning spells to the best of your ability, and hope Harry finds whatever he needs to find."

Hope. It was all they truly had.

The other side topped them in basically everything category. Soldiers. Strength. Agility. Experience.

All that they didn't have was hope, because they didn't need it. They had confidence. Which was really all they needed.

Venus needed a miracle. Their side had lost their 'special weapon' — her.

"I'm going to find Harry. See what else we need to end this." Venus distanced herself from the army that wanted her dead. Hopefully the ignorance would help the knots in her stomach slowly untangle.

The halls of Hogwarts were darker than Venus remembered. Cobblestone used to glow orange from the candles that lit the corridors. All of them had been blown out, and haven't been lit since.

"I know you guys probably can't hear me, but I need help." It first came to her mind to pray to Castiel and Corrine, but it shifted last minute.

She cruised the empty halls, now and then another student would pass by her frantically or ask her if she'd seen someone.

"There's a war coming. As you can see." She chuckled a bit, the red gleam from the dying protective shield peeked through the immeasurable windows.

"To be completely honest, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Be everyone's saving grace? with no grace? I keep making unintentional jokes, I'm sorry. Inappropriate time." Venus raised her wand and one by one, each of the candles adding warmth little by little to the hall that previously engulfed her in blue darkness.

"Mum, Dad. Give me strength. I think I ringed all of it out of me." Her voice cracked. "I can't believe I'm crying while talking to myself. This is fucking ridiculous."

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