040. Judgement Day

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Part One / Chapter Forty

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Part One / Chapter Forty

Venus laid curled in Andromeda's Lap as the woman stroked her hair softly. Venus hadn't spoken, hadn't eaten, and hadn't shown any emotion since she'd arrived home. The only thing she did was watch the clock tick quietly, she kept her eyes set on the clock's hands intently until the hands struck twelve. Venus was now sixteen years old.

        She wished she was at the dinner Sirius planned for her. She wished she was eating dinner with her friends and family, laughing, joking, talking. She wished she could blow the candles out on a birthday cake. But that's all Venus could do: wish.

        "Happy birthday love," Andromeda cooed giving Venus a kiss on the forehead.

        The girl sighed. She stared ominously at the clock in front of her wishing she could reverse it back to the Department of Mysteries. She was tired. Exhausted. She just wanted to sleep. As soon as Venus began to doze off, a crash of lightning startled her awake again. An owl soared into the kitchen, dropping down an envelope and parcel at Venus's feet. She grabbed a carrot and placed it in the Owl's mouth, watching it fly away gracefully.

Vee! I'm at the dorm and safe, sorry I couldn't send you a message straightaway my aunt dragged me back to Hogwarts by my ear. Long story short, I'm grounded until I'm forty. I managed to knick an owl and send you your present. I wish you were here, but I understand why you don't want to. I love you.
Happy Birthday. - Cee.

        Venus placed Constance's letter down on the coffee table and looked at the parcel that came along with it. She grabbed the box and tore the tape off the seals. Venus stared at stacks of Muggle books she'd never seen before. For the first time since her arrival to the Tonks, she smiled.

        She noticed another smaller bag inside. Venus opened it and pulled out a locket shaped like the planet, Venus. Venus opened it and watched the pictures move inside, from her and Constance in first year all the way until fifth.

        As if following a market line, a second owl glides through the window, hovered over Venus waiting for a snack and dropped a second envelope and parcel on the coffee table, taking off into the night. It was from Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Hey Venus, it's Ron. We are all in the Hospital Wing, I'm not loony anymore (which is convenient) and I have these badass scars on my arms now, maybe Constance has a thing for scars. I'm taking too long to write and Hermione looks like she's going to fling a glass at my head, so I'll be quick. You didn't laugh at me when I wanted to try out for Quidditch, which is more than my siblings ever did for my confidence, so thank you Venus Rosario. And I have to go because Hermione is scaring me, but hopefully we'll see each other soon. From your fellow prefect and best homework pal in the whole entire wizarding world, Ron.

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