051. Light And Dark

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Part Two / Chapter Fifty-One

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Part Two / Chapter Fifty-One

Late in the afternoon a few days after New Year, Venus stood by the fireplace to return back to Hogwarts. The Ministry had arranged an one-off connection to the Floo Network to return students quickly and safely to the school. Andromeda and Tonks were the only ones to see Venus off, as Ted had already went off to work. The Tonks found it hard to digest the occurrence of December 26th, only informing the Order of the Phoenix, who all found it questionable. Venus was certain about her recent nightmares connection to Voldemort and the army of Angels.

       "Oh, sweetheart, take care of yourself and write to me immediately if you have anymore of those dreams," Andromeda ordered, straightening out Venus' jumper.

       "I'll be okay," said Venus, allowing Andromeda to place a kiss on her cheek.

       Tonks put a hand on her mother's shoulder. "She's a bloody angel—"

       "Nephilim." Venus corrected.

       "Whatever," said Tonks, shooting her a playful glare.

       Venus stepped into the emerald fire and shouted, "Hogwarts!" She had one final ephemeral look at a teary-eyed Andromeda before the flames blocked her sight completely; she was spinning, catching glimpses of other wizarding rooms before slowing down in Professor McGonagall's office. She couldn't acknowledge Venus' presence as she was engulfed in work.

       "Good evening, Rosario."

       "Good evening, Professor."

       Venus siphoned the ash out of her hair and walked out of McGonagall's office and off toward Gryffindor tower. "Baubles," said Venus, the Fat Lady, who looked paler than usual looked over at Venus sickeningly.

       "No," she said.

       "Er— what'd you mean 'no'?"

       "There is a new password," she said.

       "Well I don't know the new password—"

       "Venus!" Cordelia was skipping over to her, shining brightly with a happy grin on her face, still wearing a coat, scarf and gloves.

       "I just got back myself," she said, trying to catch her breath, "oh right, the password— Abstinence."

       "Correct," the Fat Lady said in a feeble voice, and swung forward to reveal the portrait hole.

       "What's up with her?" asked Venus.

       "Probably got a paintbrush stuck up her buttocks," said Cordelia, rolling her eyes as she led the way into the packed common room.

       "Cordelia!" said Venus shockingly.

       "What?" said Cordelia. "Am I wrong?"

       "Have you done any homework from over the holidays?" Venus asked.

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