069. Target Of Tyranny

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Part Three / Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Part Three / Chapter Sixty-Nine

The Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw houses first, second and third weeks of school had been absolute hell.

Venus didn't think Snape's torture could get any worse. Multiple students that had been brave enough to speak back or too nervous to speak at all were thrown into the dungeon the first week of school, but after multiple disappearances of their prisoners. Curtesy of Venus, Neville and Ginny. They created a new activity for their imprisoned students.

"Oh no." Venus mumbled. Seven students, all varying between Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were brought out of a room chained together.

"What the literal hell is happening right now?" Constance whimpered.

"Today, students, our lesson will be put to the test." Amycus Carrow announced, a devilish smile creeping up on his pale face.

The Gryffindor's had class with the Slytherin's today. The students in the green ties looked interested in what Amycus had planned, a selection of them sporting nervous looks instead of impressed ones. Those including Blaise Zabini, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass and more surprisingly, Draco Malfoy.

"We will be going over the Cruciatus curse once more. This time, we will have live dummies to put to the test." Walking over to the students, Amycus waved his wand and the seven students levitated in front of Gryffindor and Slytherin class. "Questions?"

Venus' hand shot up. Amycus rolled his eyes, but ultimately nodded, letting Venus know she could ask her question.

"Isn't this illegal?" Venus said sternly.

Amycus looked annoyed. "Not under Voldemort's rule, no. Besides, they're half-bloods. Sadly, Alecto took all the good Mudbloods to torture. Any other questions?"

"This is preposterous!" Venus seethed. She put her hand up, taking a small second to question her actions, but this time, her head and heart were in agreement. Making one swift hand motion down, the chains tying up the students in front of them shot toward the ground.

"Are you asking for a punishment, Half-breed?" Amycus spat, storming toward Venus.

"Are you asking for a beat down?" Venus argued, steeping dangerously close.

"Watch your tone, Half-breed." Amycus said lowly.

Venus nodded indignantly. "Of course, professor." In own swift motion, Venus snapped her head up. Amycus was sent flying backwards, into a closet and onto the floor with a rough thud.

The Slytherin students gasped in horror, while the Gryffindor students and a handful of Slytherins watched in amusement.

The fun was short lived when Millicent Bullstrode told Snape about the incident and Venus was sent to his office. She slouched in the same seat she sat in over two years ago when Arthur Weasley had been attacked. Venus stared at Snape while he stared at her.

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