049. Teenage Dream

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Part Two / Chapter Forty-Nine

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Part Two / Chapter Forty-Nine

Multiple Gryffindor students hoisted Venus, Ron, Ginny and the rest of the Quidditch team over their shoulders. Hoots of cheer and enthusiasm filled the common room, making Venus' thoughts barely audible to herself. Dean carried Ginny on his shoulders, dropped her down and leaned in for a kiss, which Ginny gladly returned.

The Keeper and the Beater were placed on top of a table while their housemates celebrated below. A squeal came from behind and Constance was being hauled up to the table alongside them.

"Congratulations you guys!" she cheered, pulling them both into a hug. The whiff of Firewhiskey coming from her breath. Ron's ears reddened like they did when Constance spoke to him in sixth year.

       "You did a great job commentating," said Venus elatedly. Constance took another swig of a drink that was in her cup.

       "Thanks," she smiled. "I wish I could give you both a present," she added, frowning down at the ground. Then her face drunkenly light up. "I think I have one for you, Ron."

       Ron gave Venus a wide-eyed, quizzical look. Until Constance pressed her lips on his, now Ron was only wide-eyed. Venus put her hand over her mouth in such a state of shock, she didn't notice Harry enter the common room. Constance pulled away. Ron stood there with his eyes glued shut and his hands still placed on her waist.

       "You're welcome." Constance said, patting Ron on the side of his face. "Goodnight," then she passed out into Venus' arms.

       "Ginny, Ginny!" Venus shouted, trying to hold Constance up in her arms. The redhead seperated from her boyfriend and grabbed Constance's arm. They both carried Constance up to the girl's dormitories.

       After Venus blew the candles out for a sleeping Constance, her and Ginny re-entered the Gryffindor party. More girls carrying their drunken friends up to their own dormitories. Then Venus realized someone's absence.

       "Ginny, have you seen Hermione?"

       "No actually," the redhead responded, before running back into the arms of Dean Thomas. Then, looking in the center of the room in revulsion.

       There, in full view of the entire room, stood Ron, wrapped so closely around Lavender Brown it was hard to tell who's hands were whose. As the portrait opened and closed, Venus caught a glimpse of Maria Glossop doing the same to Harry outside. Watching him kiss someone else made her stomach churn, she grabbed a drink from the snack table and chugged it so quickly she couldn't feel the burning in her throat. A mixture of fire whiskey and guilt making her nauseous.

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