Chapter 12: No Mercy

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After the craziness of last night's party, you dropped off Robby at the LaRussos' but took Sam to your house. You helped her get to the guest bedroom and gave her a drink of water before she went to sleep.

But now, you wake up from a surprisingly good sleep and go to the guest bedroom to check on your girlfriend. Sam was fast asleep with her hair in a mess and soft snores emanating periodically.

You nudge her a little and sit on the edge of the bed.

Y/N: "Hey Sammy, it's morning time."

She wakes up and groans from her slightly hungover state.

Samantha LaRusso: "Whuh? Y/N? Where am I?"

Y/N: "You're in the guest bedroom of my house. After Moon's party, you told me to avoid your house for the night. But I think your parents are gonna' freak when they find out you never came back home."

Samantha LaRusso: "Oh... right."

She gets up and yawns as you plant a kiss on her cheek.

Y/N: "I'll gonna' call your parents. Meanwhile, you get ready so I can drop you off at your house. School's starting today you know."

Sam nods and gets out of bed as you leave the room and get your phone. But as soon as you were about to call Daniel you hear a loud knock on your door.

Y/N: "Who could that be?"

You get to the front door and see Daniel there.

Daniel LaRusso: "Y/N, I tracked Sam's iPhone here and Robby told me you two were here. Alone. Where is she?!" He asks you, slightly enraged.

Y/N: "Look Mr. LaRusso, nothing bad happened and I'm sorry you're upset. Sam's upstairs in the guest bed--"

Samantha LaRusso: "Dad?" She asks, now standing behind you but was still woozy from her hangover.

Daniel LaRusso: "Sam!"

He hugs her and all his anger seems to melt away.

Daniel LaRusso: "You had me and your mother worried sick! Why didn't you call or text us?"

Samantha LaRusso: "I-I..."

Y/N: "We were at a... let's just a wild teenage party. Sam got drunk, but I stayed sober because I'll never drink alcohol. She said she didn't want to get reprimanded by you or her mom at the time, so she asked if she could sleep at my house. Like an idiot I said yes, but Robby and I helped her out. I know I messed up and I'm really sorry." You were nearly on the verge on tears. "But please don't blame Sam. It's all my fault."

Daniel thinks about your confession and decides to hug you.

You were caught by surprise but eventually, you hug him back and smile.

Daniel LaRusso: "I understand why you thought that way, Y/N. But don't worry. I still love you and Sam." He says with a smile. "You'll always have my trust, you hear me?"

Y/N: "Yeah." *sniff* "I hear you. I promise we'll never scare you like that again."

Daniel LaRusso: "Good, now Sam, go get your things and go comfort your mom."

She nods and heads upstairs.

Y/N: "So Sensei, what training do you have planned for this weekend?"

Daniel LaRusso: *smirks* "Oh it'll be extra-hard for you mister, especially after the stunt you pulled." He jokes with a playful punch at your shoulder. 

Y/N: "Then I guess I'll see you later. And send Mrs. LaRusso my apologies."

Daniel LaRusso: "I will, don't you worry about a thing, alright?"

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