Chapter 15: Aftermath

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The day after the school fight - California...

In the process of shutting the Miyagi-Do dojo down, Daniel looks at an Okinawan hand drum and realizes once the aftermath of the fight blows over, he'll need to teach you, Sam, Robby, and the rest of Miyagi-Do the hand drum technique. A technique that saved his life during the summer of 1984 in Okinawa, Japan.

The same night - Van Nuys, California...

When Johnny enters the Cobra Kai dojo and finds several of his students which include Tory, Hawk, Mitch, and Stingray being coached by John Kreese. Johnny asks what Kreese is doing and Kreese replies by saying that Cobra Kai belongs to him as he founded it in the first place, and reveals that he has worked out a deal with the landlord and renewed the building's lease in his name, as Johnny had only been on a series of handshake deals (due to his terrible credit). In wake of the fight, Johnny has had enough and tells Kreese that if he wants Cobra Kai, it's his since Johnny's efforts have done more harm than good. At the same time, Miguel vows to never be a part of Cobra Kai again and quits karate due to his merciless actions.

A week later (while you and Sam were in Okinawa)...

Daniel and Amanda LaRusso as well as your parents were ready to complain at the school administrators' meeting. Daniel points out that at least the girl who started the fight, Tory, got expelled, to which Amanda and M/N reply that Tory should be in Shawshank (a fictional state prison). Amanda continues to say that a significant amount of people against the LaRussos since their dealership is practically a ghost town. Amanda apologizes for being aggressive, saying that she is on edge, to which Daniel then apologizes for getting them, and your parents, into this mess and promises to get them all out. At the meeting, parents are outraged that the fight broke out, the lack of teacher interference, and fear that it will happen again. Counselor Blatt responds to these fear by saying they are starting a new initiative "Hugs not Hits" which is like DARE but works, saying zero tolerance for karate from now on. Daniel interrupts, saying "You don't need to turn this into some kind of karate Footloose!", believing karate is not the problem and when he went to school there, karate saved him from being bullied. Someone in the crowd quickly says that he heard Daniel was the real bully. While the administrators tried to regain control of the meeting, it instantly failed when Amanda says it's unfair that Sam got suspended for two weeks when Tory is the one who "nearly tore her face off". But someone in the crowd once again is angered by her statement and yells that Sam was "tramping around with the other girl's boyfriend". Daniel insists on his daughter's innocence, to which someone else says that Daniel has no right to get "high and mighty", he was the one who taught the student Myagi Do Karate and it was his student who hurt Miguel. Amanda and Daniel both take seats as parents around them continue their outraged shouts.

You and Sam came back to The Valley, refreshed and rejuvenated from your trip. You both tried to visit Robby, but he didn't want anyone to hang out with him. He would rarely text back and only called Demetri to tell him that he was just healing and needed some space. So you all just waited until school began again to see if he would go or not.

The next day... 


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