Chapter 30: Match Point

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Terry Silver: "Daniel LaRusso. It's nice to see you again."

Daniel: "Yeah, right. What are you trying to do here, huh?"

Silver puts his hands up harmlessly.

Terry Silver: "Fair enough. I'd probably react the same way if I were you. My past behavior was..." *sighs* "...inexcusable. If I could go back and undo it all, I would. All I can say now is I'm truly sorry. And I assure you, I'm not that man anymore."

Daniel hardly tried finding any sense of remorse in Terry's eyes because all he could ever see in his former adversary were lies.

Daniel: "I don't know what padded room you crawled out of or what twisted game you two are playing, but if you don't get off my property right now, I swear..."

Meanwhile, the dojo door slides open with almost all the students eavesdropping on the senseis' conversation.

Mitch: "Your dad is furious. Who is that guy?" He asks Sam.

Sam: "I have no idea."

Bert: "He looks like a Highlander." He comments.

Nate: "The Highlander." He corrects. "There can be only one."

Terry Silver: "Okay. Okay, I tried. We'll still hold our students to a moratorium on fighting before the tournament, for what it's worth. Provided, of course, you do the same."

Kreese: "Just remember our deal. If Cobra Kai wins the All Valley, you two are done teaching. For good."

Daniel: "That's not gonna happen, 'cause you're not gonna win. Now get out of here."

Kreese: "Has it really come down to this? Johnny Lawrence playing second fiddle to little Danny LaRusso?"

Johnny: "No one's second fiddle. This is my dojo as much as it is his."

Kreese: "Really? Sign out front says Miyagi-Do."

Johnny: "Unless you want it crammed up yours sideways, you'd better take off after your bridge partner."

Kreese chuckles as he and Silver leave in peace, all while Daniel stares them down in disgust.

Johnny: "Who was the other loser?" He asks Daniel.

Later that day, Daniel and Johnny are at a bar where Daniel explains that he was manipulated by Terry Silver and his secret weapon, brutal fighter Mike Barnes, into rejoining the 1985 All-Valley tournament and defending his title. Unbeknownst to Daniel at the time, Silver was a ruthless businessman who was seeking revenge on Mr. Miyagi. Thanks to Mr. Miyagi's guidance and protection, Daniel was able to beat Barnes and run Silver out of town. After the match, he never saw Terry again until that day.

Daniel then tells Johnny that since he knows Silver's playbook, he needs to take over the training in order to prepare the students. This upsets Johnny, who thinks Daniel is trying to cut him out... 

Johnny: "If you're so worried about this guy, why don't we go take him down?"

Daniel: "Because that's exactly what he wants. Why do you think he showed up at my dojo? Everything he does..."

Johnny: "Your dojo?"  He questions.

Daniel: "You know what I mean. Silver's a psychopath, all right? You cannot strike first with this guy. Trust me." He sighs before continuing. "Look, I just want what's best for Miguel and all of your students."

Johnny: "Oh, so now you know what's best for Miguel, huh?"

Daniel: "I'm just saying that..."

Johnny: "You know what your problem is? You think one win by one point 30 years ago makes you better than me."

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