Chapter 31: Kicks, Chicks, and Sticks

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Two weeks later... 

Daniel slid open the backdoor to the dojo with a smile. It was a sunny day, the only students at Miyagi-Do now were 100% loyal to him, and better yet, Robby had decided to stay instead of jumping ship. He walked into the beautiful backyard with a renewed sense of purpose, eager to share the exciting news with his students. The All-Valley tournament's structure had changed, now giving girls their own bracket and pitting all the dojos against each other in a skills competition. But as Daniel gathered his students around, his smile hid a pang of sadness deep inside that lingered. He couldn't help but feel the absence of one of his best students, you.

A week ago, Daniel visited your home in order to clear the air.

He started by explaining how he had been unaware of the extent to which his daughter, Sam, had mistreated you in the aftermath of your breakup. The revelation struck him deeply, as he knew the deep connection the two of you have had for years. You told him that he couldn't have done much to help, but you would never fault him for it.

Despite his remorse, Daniel made a plea for you to return to Miyagi-Do. He assured you that he would give you as much space as you need but that the dojo could survive with you and Robby at the helm. Morale could reach dangerously low levels if the students believe he abandoned them. However, you stood firm, insisting that you needed a break from the dojo. Your emotional battles had taken their toll, and you needed time and distance to regain your sense of peace.

Understanding your position, Daniel nodded solemnly. He promised to respect your need for space and assured you that he would be there if you needed him. Miyagi-Do's doors were always open. With a final word, Daniel left with a bittersweet sense of closure.

Now, he willed himself into putting on a brave face for his students, his thoughts often wandered to the memories you've had together and the potential that you possessed. Your absence left an undeniable void, reminding Daniel that even amidst the triumphs, your departure weighed heavily on his mind. Miyagi-Do could function at the moment, but even the optimist inside was uncertain they would be able to dominate...

Daniel: "Hey, everyone, gather around. I have news. The All Valley committee just announced big changes for the tournament."

Sam: "What kind of changes?

Daniel: "Well, see for yourself. It's a whole new ball game."

He handed a pamphlet to Sam who read its' contents along with some of the others.

Demetri: "They're introducing skills competitions?"

Daniel: "Yep."

Demetri: "Kata, board breaking, weapons display?"

Sam: "And there's gonna be a separate girls' division."

Daniel: "So that means there'll be two All Valley champs."

Chris: "What does that mean for the bet with Cobra Kai?" He asks Daniel.

Daniel: "There's a Grand Champion trophy for whichever dojo wins the most points. That's how we'll settle it."

Sam: "All I know is the girls' division is mine." She says confidently.

Daniel: "That just leaves the skills and the boys. I'm counting on you guys."

Demetri: "Who, us? We're a bunch of Rudys... except for Robby, of course. I mean sure, we're good for the occasional inspirational moment, but most of us are not exactly center mat material. We were better off with Miguel and Hawk. Or Y/N."

Daniel: "Look, I know you're missing some of your friends. And of course, I wish Y/N was here. But it's time to put the past behind us, all right? Don't worry. By the time the tournament comes around, you're gonna realize this was the best thing that could've happened."

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