Chapter 21: Los Tres Dojos De Kárate

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On the next Saturday morning, Miyagi-Do dojo...

Daniel and all of the Miyagi-Do students were wearing white gis with the Miyagi-Do emblem on the back. Daniel has on his white headband from Mr. Miyagi and a black belt while everyone else has a white training belt. Amanda was watching from inside Mr. Miyagi's house with a faint smile and her hands on her hips.

Daniel LaRusso: "I know it's been a while since our last class. After the fight at the school, I wasn't sure Miyagi-Do should stay open. But things have gotten worse since we shut down, and that's why we're back."

You, Sam, Robby, and Coco stand at the front side-by-side with calm, but determined looks. Demetri has a black arm sling on and has a less strong-minded look.

Daniel LaRusso: "The only way to stop Cobra Kai is if we all work together. But always remember, the reason we learn karate is to defend ourselves, protect others, find balance, and obtain inner peace. The goal is to win fairly and honestly. Now is the time to show them forgiveness. Compassion. Mr. Miyagi used to say if you're looking for revenge, you can start by digging two graves. He was right. If you have hate in your heart, then you've already lost. I know it's not easy, but you have to do whatever you can to do what is right. While I was in Okinawa, Japan, trying to save my business and find my way, I realized that the only way we are going to win the fight for The Valley is through honesty, compassion, fair play, and morality. Because it is not people we're trying to fight... it's a convoluted principle. 'Strike first, strike hard, and no mercy' is a brutal, aggressive, and violent approach to both life and karate." 

Robby sighs and thinks about his rivalry with Miguel and his estranged relationship with his father, Johnny Lawrence. 

Robby Keene: 'Then that means I have to let go of the anger I feel for Miguel... and my dad. I'm not the person I used to be and I never want to be. Forever. One of these days, I'll have to find it in my heart to forgive them.' He thinks.

Daniel LaRusso: "So no matter how angry, hurt, or wronged you may feel, we must strive to be beneficial to those around us." 

You straighten your stance and nod.

Daniel LaRusso: "So. Are you ready?"

All Miyagi-Do students: "Yes, Sensei." You all say with a smile.

Daniel smiles back and you all start doing some kata.

Monday, West Valley High...

The school warning bell rings as you hurry into the school, jogging after Robby and Coco. 

Robby Keene: "So, you up for another karate lesson from yours truly after school this week?"

Coco Fuentes: "Depends on how much homework Mr. Iglesias assigns." She replies with a grin. Coco then playfully punches him in the shoulder. "But I doubt I'll have to learn much more at the rate I'm improving, Skates."

Robby Keene: *chuckles* "So the student has become the master?" He asks, leaning towards her.

Coco Fuentes: "I'd say... almost." She leans in but, you interrupt by finally catching up to them. 

Y/N: "Hey." You exhale and give them an exhausted smile. Robby and Coco appear startled as they look at you.

Robby Keene: "Hey. What's up with you?"

Coco Fuentes: "You look like you ran a marathon."

You took a few deep breaths before answering.

Y/N: "Had to run. Missed a turn. Got stuck in traffic. Almost was late." 

They chuckle and shake their heads as you three round a corner and pass Hawk. He stares at you intensely and you narrow your eyes before continuing to walk. "C'mon guys, he's not worth the trouble." You say to them.

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