Chapter 28: Then Learn Fly

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Saturday morning...

Daniel and Johnny step onto the newly built sparring deck, bow to one another, and begin the class.

Daniel and Johnny step onto the newly built sparring deck, bow to one another, and begin the class

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Everyone: "Hi-yah!"

First, Sam spars against Daniel. She uses a methodical style, mixing in some well-timed kicks. But Daniel's advanced block techniques keep them at a stalemate. After Sam telegraphs a kick, Daniel grabs it which forces her to hop on her left foot.

Then, Johnny spars against Miguel. Miguel's more aggressive, using his elbows and knees effectively to hit Johnny multiple times. They tussle around the ring and seem to go at each other fiercely.

You and Robby look at each other and nod.

You go up next against Daniel. You use a more balanced style, landing only a few chops. But after Daniel jabs you in the stomach, you stop your hand right as it was about to hit Daniel in the neck. The two of you nod and bow to each other.

Finally, Johnny spars against Hawk. Hawk's as aggressive as Miguel, but he's a bit more out of control. He unleashes a flurry of kicks and punches but leaves his weak foot open. Johnny capitalizes on this and hits his student with a leg sweep.

During the lunch break, the senseis sit next to each other on the edge of the deck. Johnny was having a basic ham sandwich while Daniel was enjoying his sushi. He offers some to Johnny, extending a pair of chopsticks. Johnny takes the offer but just ends up grabbing a dumpling... with his bare hand. To pay back Daniel's kindness, Johnny offers him half of his sandwich, which Daniel doesn't hate to his surprise.

Training continues with Daniel punching Johnny who was in pads. Johnny smiles triumphantly after Daniel aggressively goes for his chest. 

The class moves inside the dojo for meditation. an opportunity to relax the mind and recuperate. However, Johnny sneaks in a drink of beer in-between deep breaths. Daniel notices this and sighs before continuing.

Daniel and Johnny spar with all the students, each fighting with varying success.

Coco and Robby spar with Daniel and show their precision, easily keeping up with him. 

As for Bert, Nate, Demetri, Mitch, and Chris, they show some of their potential and lack in certain areas.

The senseis face off again and switch roles with Johnny now being the aggressor. After some attacks, Johnny begins to do the crane kick. But Daniel shakes his head and throws the pads down before walking away. Robby cringes while you facepalm.

By early evening...

After class, Sam kisses you on the cheek as Daniel and Johnny shake hands. Everyone goes in their respective rides and leaves the dojo.

While you still had some reservations, you could feel the unity flowing through the dojo.

At the LaRusso home...

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