Chapter 3 - The cheer team

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Mia's pov

My alarm went off at 8:30 AM and I turned it off and jumped out of bed excited to see my friends at school today. I miss them so much. I got ready then ran to the others room and woke them up for school. 

My outfit for today

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My outfit for today.

I walked into Alisha and Jacob's room and saw they were still sleeping.

"Guys time to wake up for school" I said nicely

They didn't budge. I shook them awake and they started to wake up. Eventually they woke up and sat up and smiled at me.

"Good morning guys, time to get ready for school" I said

"Morning Mia" They both said and brought me into a hug and smiled. We stayed like this for about five more minutes until I spoke up

"Right, I have to wake up the others, meet me downstairs when your done so we can have breakfast and head off to school" I said.

"Alright see you in a minute" Jacob and Alisha said.

I smiled, got up walked out their bedroom, and shut the door behind me. Right next room I said to myself and walked to Eddie and Emily's room.

I knocked on the door to be polite no one answered. I walked in and saw them sleeping.

"Hey guys time to wake up for-

"Ah stop please" I said laughing as they tricked me

"Please, I beg you"  I said and giggled

"Ah alright" Emily said

"If we have too" Eddie said

"You guys tricked me" I said and giggled

"I know it was worth it though" Emily said

I fake glared at her and they both laughed, I ended laughing with them. They gave me hugs and then we let go of each other.

"Anyway get dressed and meet me downstairs for breakfast when your ready so we can leave for school" I said and walked out the bedroom and they laughed as I shut their door behind me.

I went to the last bedroom. Abbie and Tyler's bedroom. I walked in their room and they were sleeping as well.

"Guys wake up" I said

"Time for school" I said

They also didn't budge, so I shook them.

"Five more minutes" Abbie mumbled

I shook Tyler "Yeah five more minutes mum" He said and I giggled. I am not their mum.

I snatched the blanket off them and they woke straight up. 

"I am not your mum Tyler and also get up for school. Get dressed and meet me downstairs with the others for breakfast when you guys are dressed. Then we are leaving for breakfast." I said and smiled.

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