Chapter 14 - She's awake

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"So I know you probably won't but if your in there. I need a sign you can hear me or sense me. I need to know you are fighting even harder to come back to us because I can't lose you. Please come back to us Mia. We all miss you so much and we are all lost without you and we need you to wake up so please Mia. If your in there give us a sign that you are there and listening. I know you are listening and I know you are fighting. I know you want to wake up and be with all of us and I know you can hear all our words and smell when your mates are in here. So please Mia give me a sign you are there" I said and cried

She stayed still like I expected her too. I am not mad at her. How could I ask her that? She can't move, I am too selfish. I love her and miss her so much, we all do and I wish she would wake up but nonetheless we will wait until she does wake up. All of a sudden I felt something squeeze my hand. I looked down and I think it was Mia's hand.

"Mia, Mia did you do that? Do it again" I said shocked

I waited and nothing happened, maybe I imagined it. I looked and saw her squeeze my hand again.

"I love you Stiles" Mia mumbled

"Mia, your awake" I cried

"I have missed you so much, I am going to get the others, stay awake, I'll be right back princess" I said and cried happily.

I quickly and gently got off the bed and ran to the door and opened it and ran to the waiting room.

"Stiles what's wrong? Is it Mia?" Derek said concerned

"She's awake" I said happily.

Recap over

Stiles's pov

"She's awake" I said

"Is she?" Scott said

"Come see her" I said

Everyone stood up and walked towards Mia's room and her eyes were closed and she looked like she was sleeping.

"Mia?" Malia said and stroked her face

"Mia?" Malia said

She didn't answer

"You told us she was awake" Liam said angrily

"You lied. Why would you lie?" Isaac said

"Stiles, don't do that to us" Allison said

"Guys I swear, she squeezed my hand and said I love you Stiles" I said crying

"Well why is she in the exact same position as she has been for the last week?" Theo said

"Maybe she fell back asleep" I said

"I can't believe you Stiles" Kira said

"I am not lying, she was awake, I swear" I said

"Maybe you imagined it and thought she did" Alisha said nicely

"I didn't imagine it, I wouldn't lie especially about our mate, so don't you dare say I am lying. She was awake and she squeezed my hands twice and she spoke to me" I said growling at all of them.

"Well she isn't speaking or moving now" Aiden said

"Please stop arguing, it hurts my ears" Mia said

"Mia" I said and ran to her

"Mia your awake" Lydia said and started crying

"Please turn the lights off, it's so bright" Mia said quietly.

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