Chapter 9 - The statement

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Mia's pov

My mates and I walked into the police station and to say I nervous was understatement. My mates reassured me and said it will be fine. I walked to the main reception with Theo and Stiles either side of me holding my hands. My other mates sat on the chairs just behind me.

"Excuse me?" I said to the receptionist

"Yes, how can I help you? Are you here to report a crime? Make a statement? " The receptionist said.

"Yes I am here to make a statement. Sherriff Stilinski requested I come down here when I was ready" I said

"Ok. Name?" The receptionist said

"Mia. Mia Carrington" I said.

"Ok I will let him know you are here. Thank you take a seat while you wait." The receptionist said.

"Okay thank you" I said 

I waked to the others and sat on Hayden's lap. I sat quietly and snuggled into her.  

"You'll be ok" Lydia said

"We'll be out here when you finish in there" Liam said

"No need to be scared, we are right here" Derek said 

I just sat nervously in Hayden's arms.

"Thank you guys, for coming with me today" I said

"You don't have to thank us princess" Isaac said

"We love you so much and we are happy you let us come with you" Scott said

"We are here to support you" Derek said

"We are your mates, we are with you all the way" Kira said

"Through thick and thin" Allison said

"So am I, through thick and thin with you guys. I love you all so much" I said quietly while looking at them all.

"We love you too" Malia said and kissed my forehead and I kissed her cheek.

We all sat together waiting till I got called.

"Mia. Mia Carrington, Sherriff Stilinksi is ready for you. If you follow me this way" The police officer said standing a few feet from me.

"Alright" I said and got up and looked at all mates. I gave them all kisses on their cheeks and I followed the police officer.

He opened the door and there was dark mirrors and two chairs either side of the table. Sherriff Stilinski was sat on the other side of the table. I waked in and the door was shut behind me. I sat down and there was a camera on the table.

"Hi Mia, how are you feeling? Are you feeling ready to make your statement?" Sherriff asked

"Fine thank you Sherriff Stilinski. Yes I am" I said

"Is it alright if I turn the camera on? It is only on for evidence purposes so we have evidence of your statement" Sherriff Stilinski

"Yes that's fine" I said

"Can we start?" Sherriff Stilinski

"Yes" I said

The Sherriff started the camera and I looked straight forward. He began talking.

"What is your name? State your full name" The Sherriff said

"My name is Mia Carrington." I said

"Why are you here?" The Sherriff said

"To make a statement on the behalf of my dead aunt" I said

"Do you know what happened to your aunt?"  The Sherriff said

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