Chapter 25 - Bruised and beat

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Mia's pov

The bus finally parked outside school. I checked the time to see it was nine pm. We arrived late because it was a long drive. I groaned, school tomorrow. Oh God. Almost the weekend. It's Thursday. Just two more days. Everyone started getting off the bus. Stiles and Scott were sleeping. My other mates who came on the trip kissed my forehead and said they will see me in a minute. 

"Lydia, I will see you in a minute, I am just going to wake Scott and Stiles" I said 

"Alright see you in a minute" She said and smiled and pecked my lips

I nodded. Everyone had left the bus. My sweet mates were snoring away. I got up from my seat and sat on Stiles's lap. 

"Stiles baby wake up" I said kissing his cheeks gently

He groaned slightly.

"Stiles, come on. We are back" I whispered

I pocked his cheek lightly. He groaned and moved and opened his eyes slightly. He squinted.

"Mia" He said tiredly

"We are back home" I said

"Alright" He said and smiled

He smiled goofily and rested his head on me and yawned.

"I'm so tired" He said

"So am I" I said smiling tiredly

"Come on, I have to wake up Scott" I said

He nodded and stood up slowly helping me stand up. He grabbed his bags.

"I'll see you in a minute" He said and kissed my forehead

I nodded. I sat next to Scott. I picked up his hand and kissed it gently.

"Scott, baby, you too." I said

"Time to wake up" I said

He groaned like Stiles and cuddled into me. I sighed and looked at him lovingly. I grabbed my phone and snuck a photo of us. I saved it as my lock screen. I put it back in my pocket. I combed my fingers through his hair and stroked his face.

"Scott, baby" I whispered

"Hmm?" He said still half asleep

"I know you are tired but it is time to go. We are home" I said

He groaned and opened his eyes and looked at me tiredly.

"We're back?" He said tiredly

"Yeah" I said softly

"What time is it?" He said

"Nine pm" I said

"Oh, come on let's go" He yawned

He slowly stood up and grabbed his bags and I grabbed mine and we left the bus.

"I'll see you tomorrow, night Mia. Love you" He said and kissed my lips

I kissed his back.

"Night Scott, love you too" I said kissing his lips

He walked to his mum's car and I waved at her and she waved back. I walked to Stiles.

"Love you, see you at school tomorrow" I said and kissed his lips

"Love you too, see you later princess" Stiles said and kissed my lips

He then walked to his dad who was going to drive him home. His dad waved at me and I waved back at him.

I saw Hayden, Kira, Derek and Malia. I ran to them. I hugged Hayden and kissed her deeply. She kissed me back deeply. We pulled back. 

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