Chapter 24 - Going home

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Mia's pov

I was just sat on the bed cuddling with one of the loves of my life. Lydia. We were nice and comfy.

"Mia?" Lydia said

"Hmm?" I said

"I am getting a bad feeling from this place" She said

"Its not just me then?" I said looking up to her and snuggling closer

"No. I feel it. It is not a good sign, something here just feels evil and off" Lydia said

"Well nothing has happened yet and we have each other and we can always call and text the others" I said

"Good idea" She said and smiled

"You know what else is a good idea?" I said and smirked climbing on top of her

"Hmm? I don't know, why don't you tell me?" She said smirking

"How about I show you instead?" I said and smirked

"Hmm well I have always liked practicals and physical demonstrations better" She said and smirked

I leaned down and kissed her deeply and she kissed me back deeply. She cupped my face and we kissed deeply. We let go and I started leaving kisses down her neck and jaw and she started whimpering and moaning.

"Mia" She moaned

I growled liking my name come out of her mouth. I nipped her neck and she moaned quietly so Allison wouldn't hear her.

"You are mine Lydia Martin" I said kissing her neck and jaw

"All yours. All yours" She breathed out

I kissed her lips deeply again and she pulled back and straddled me. I was now beneath her.

"You are all mine" She said to me and kissed my jaw and lips

"All yours" I said and breathed out

She kissed lower and lower and then she lifted my top up slightly and started kissing up my stomach and I started breathing heavily. My eyes fluttered. 

"Mmm Lydia" I moaned 

"I like when you moan my name" She said and started kissing higher to my chest

She left a few marks and I moaned a bit more.

"Lydia" I moaned

She quietly chuckled. She was about to take my shirt off when she was called.

"Lydia can you go get me new towels please?" Allison shouted from the shower

Lydia and I groaned but laughed and she pulled my top back down and just put her arms around my waist and her head in my chest as a pillow. We laughed and I stroked her head.

"Of course, I'll go now" She said still cuddling with me

She stood up and stretched before staring at me.

"You know you are so beautiful right?" She said staring lovingly at me

"Thank you Lydia and you know you are beautiful too?" I said

"I love you be safe" I said kissing her lips deeply

We pulled back smiling.

"You too. Now stop kissing me before I am tempted to stay and ravish you" Lydia said

"You would like that wouldn't you? You were close to it a few minutes ago" I said and smirked

"I would indeed and you weren't any better" She said

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