Chapter 12 - The search

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Jacob's pov

I woke up this morning with Alisha in my arms and I admired how beautiful my soulmate was.

"I can feel you staring Jacob" Alisha mumbled

"Your so gorgeous" I said

She turned to face me and said "Your so handsome" 

"Morning Jacob" Alisha said as her eyes fluttered open 

"Morning Alisha my beautiful queen" I said and hugged her tightly in my arms and she hugged me back just as tight.

I noticed my soulmate was quiet this morning, that's normal for her.

"Alisha what's wrong?" I asked worriedly

"Nothing Jacob. Why?" Alisha asked

I felt my soulmark burn and I know she felt hers burn.

"You can't lie to me, we are mates. Tell me what's wrong beautiful. I love you and I don't ever want you to be scared or worried about anything. I want to be your husband, boyfriend, best friend, doctor if I have to." I said and my mate laughed

"I love seeing you smile and laugh. You are so gorgeous and I want to know why you are quiet because it worries me. So princess what's wrong?" I asked

"I am just worried about Mia, because I noticed she was acting strange after she made the track team, it was like she was gone for a minute and I am scared. What if she is in trouble? Something just feels off and I don't like it. As Mia's best friends we are all close with her and all have a very strong bond with her. But we have the strongest bond with her out of all of us and I know when something is wrong. Not always am I right but most of the time I am. This time, I feel something is wrong and I need to see her to know something is not wrong. I miss her so much and I am just scared Jacob. She is basically little sister and I don't know what to do." Alisha said scared, panicking.

I cupped both sides of her face gently in my hand and made her look at me. I stared into her beautiful hazel eyes and gently kissed her lips.

"Look at me Alisha, you and I both know we would never let anything ever happen to Mia, none of us would. We all love her so much. If she was acting strange after she made the track team we will check it out and check her out on Friday ok. Abbie, Eddie, Tyler and Emily and you and I will go check on her on Friday okay. You know I will do anything to make you happy Alisha and if it makes you happy we will go see her. I miss her so much we all do it's only been a couple of days and it feels weird without her so we will go see her ok. I don't like seeing you sad or worried or scared. I will do anything in my power to make yo happy or Mia or out other friends. Yes as friends we are all close with each other. But the most important people in my life are Mia and you and I am sure that's the same with the others but we are still all very close as friends. But I promise we will go see her on Friday." I said

"Thank you Jacob, I love you so much, how did I get so lucky to have you?" Alisha said

"You don't have to thank me ever, I love you so much too. The question is how did I get so lucky to have you?" I said

I leaned in still cupping her face and kissed her softly. As soon as our lips touched sparks went off and we both smiled into the kiss. I kissed her sweetly and with so much passion. I couldn't describe how much I love Alisha, it would be impossible, to tell anyone how much love I have for Alisha. We stopped kissing so we could get some oxygen.

We both smiled at each other. I looked at her cute little dimples. We have to get up and wake the others for school.

"Come on let's get ready for school" I said

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