Chapter 10 - Aiden and Ethan

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Mia's pov

I woke up this morning to my best friends jumping on my bed. I woke up.

"Morning guys" I said

"Morning Mia" Jacob said and gave me a hug

"Morning bestie" Alisha said and gave me a hug

"Morning Mia" Tyler said said and gave me a hug

"Morning girly" Emily said and gave me a hug

"Morning Mia" Eddie said and gave me a hug

"Morning Mia" Abbie said and gave me a hug

"I know you guys are wolves now. I also know you are soulmates" I said and smiled

"We would have told you sooner, we promise. We were just scared, we didn't know how you would take it" Abbie said

"It's ok I am not mad. I found out I have eleven mates and I am so happy. I love them so much. They have a soulmark which is mine tattooed on them. I have one for them as well. Look, see" I said and showed them my mates soulmark.

"Wow it's so cute" Emily said

"I am so glad you found your mates." Eddie said

"So what did you get up to this weekend?" Alisha said

"Well after they went to get their bags on Friday and returned, I asked them if they wanted to sleep with me in my bed or in the spare rooms. This was before I knew they were my mates. They said they want to sleep with me. I went to the bathroom to change into my pajamas and then when I came out they were all staring at me with lust. They all complimented me  saying I was hot and everything. Then the boys were just frozen to the spot looking at me. Eventually they got out their trance and I teased them about having a bit of drool. I said you have a bit of drool there." I said

 "Then they all smirked at each other and looked at me. They were about to chase me so I said "Guys you don't have to do this". Then Derek shouted "Get her" and I ran for my life all through the halls. I was safe for about ten minutes and then they found me. They probably caught me because of my mate scent. They walked i and was like  Mia. You here? Then I heard the door close. I breathed heavily in relief then Isaac grabbed me and said "Got you" and scared the life out of me. I begged him to let me go and he shouted "Guys I got her. She's here. She's in here." They all found me. Then Malia grabbed me and ran upstairs they all followed. They all tickled me. I begged them to stop. Malia and the others said they would only stop if I said they were the best. I eventual gave in and said it." I said

 Then I told them to get dressed and they all did. When they all came back all the boys were just wearing sweatpants and no t-shirt and God damn they were hot. Then the girls were wearing really short pajamas.  They looked so good as well. Then I went downstairs to make some snacks and took them up stairs. There was no room on my bed for me so I sat on the floor. But Stiles wasn't having it and sat me between his legs and I was comfier then before. So it was a win win. I made snacks and we watched some TVD episodes but I fell asleep quickly. 

"I woke up the next morning and they were already up. I said morning to them all and gave them all hugs. They all look so worried and stressed and scared. I could see it on their faces. I thought it was something I had done. Liam then said "We have something important to tell you" I said "Hold that thought, let me brush my teeth first because my breath stinks" They nodded their heads and I brushed my teeth and put mouth wash in my mouth. Through all of that, I just knew they were staring at my ass. But I ignored it. Then I finished and sat back into bed cuddling into Derek's side. Then Liam carried on. He told me wolves are real. That he will show me now. Scott was like don't be scared we can't hurt you. Then Scott, Derek, Liam, Isaac, Theo, Hayden and Malia showed me their wolves or wolf faces and I wasn't scared. Shocked but not scared. Then Lydia told me she was a Banshee. Then Kira told me she was a Kitsune, Allison a hunter of the bad supernatural and Stiles a human." I said

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