Chapter 4 - Swimming and secret smooches

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Mia's pov

I woke up this morning at ten o'clock this morning. I checked my phone and it was from Allison it said she was picking me up around 11:30. I got up had a shower did my toiletries and did light makeup. But it was waterproof so if I went in the water later it wouldn't come off. I put my bathing suit on and my jumper on top. 

Then I went downstairs and ate some breakfast

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Then I went downstairs and ate some breakfast. I had some cereal. I had golden nuggets. I love golden nuggets. Then I cleaned my bowl and put it away back in the cupboard. Then I went to the lounge and put on 13 reasons why. My favourite character is Justin. I watched about four episodes. Then the door bell rung and I turned off the television and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Allison and gave her a hug.

"Hey gorgeous, You look beautiful today" Allison said

"Thanks Ally, you look pretty too" I said

I walked out with her and shut and locked my door behind me. I followed her to her car.

"Where are the others?" I asked

"We are meeting them at the beaches" Ally said

"Alright" I said and smiled and sat in the passenger seat.

We put our seat belts on and she started driving.

We just talked and laughed until we arrived. Allison parked the car and we got out. We grabbed our bags and made our way down to the beach. I saw everyone and they walked over to us and when they spotted us.

Oh my God. I stood there frozen on the spot. My jaw dropped. They all looked so good. Damn all their bodies looked so good. I never think like this but I can't help it. They all look so good. The boys all have abs and are dripping from the water. Water trickled down their bodies mainly their abs. They looked so hot. Also the girls in their bikinis damn, their bodies are perfect. So beautiful. They all have really nice figures. I didn't realize I was staring at them all. My whole world stopped. The only thing I could focus on right now was their bodies. I wish I could be theirs but I can't have them all. Whoever gets to date them are lucky people, there body are a blessing to this earth. They are all sculpted perfectly not one flaw.

I saw this one boy with them, I didn't recognize him. But he was very handsome a well as the other boys. I felt really attracted to him as well and his body was well sculpted.

 I felt really attracted to him as well and his body was well sculpted

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