Chapter 13 - Coma

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Stiles's pov

Thursday afternoon

"She's in a coma" Was the words we heard a week ago and they have just been spinning in my head. She doesn't deserve this. Our sweet little mate Mia, our precious little Mia. My little princess she got hurt she fell and we weren't there to catch her. I love her so much we all do and when her friends found her, my heart stopped. I thought we had lost her. I thought he was gone. The way we found her, it broke my heart. I can't believe the way she was found. She doesn't deserve this. I am glad she is here and found her when we did. I don't want to live without her. I can't live, I won't live without her.

All of us have been here since the day she has come in hospital.

Her best friends and bonded family have been here and went home and then came back the next day. Me and the rest of Mia's mates have been sleeping in the hospital and haven't left her side since she came into hospital. If one of us had to go out, the rest of us stayed with her, no one wanted to leave her side. We are all scared to leave her side in case something bad happened to her again. She has already been hurt once and we don't want to risk it again. Someone hurt her on purpose, someone harmed her and someone is going to pay. We are never leaving her side. Someone intentionally hurt her and until we know who and why she is not leaving our sight. It has been a week and she still hasn't woke up. She is breathing without the machine now. We took the machine off yesterday we just need to her to wake up now.

A week ago

Friday night

"She's in a coma" 

"What?" Derek cried

"No" I cried

"Do you know when she will wake up?" Jacob cried

"I don't sorry" The doctor said.

Theo's pov

Saturday afternoon

We all watched our beautiful mate lay there. I feel like such a bad mate, I wasn't there to protect her. I wasn't there when she needed me. We weren't there when she needed us. We are supposed to be her mates. We let her down. We are supposed to look after her our little princess and we let her get hurt. I am shamed of not only myself but everyone else, mostly myself. How did we not notice earlier? We should have known something is wrong. I knew something was wrong but I thought it was just me being stupid. All of Mia's mates including myself has stayed day and night at the hospital since the day she came in. We even slept in the hospital, we were not leaving her here and we never will ever leave her again. We will try everyday to make it up to her. I hope she can forgive us for not being there.

Her best friends and bonded family have been here everyday but stay at their houses every night then came straight back in the morning. I wish she wakes her up. I miss her so much. She came in yesterday and it's her second day in the hospital. I know she can't talk at the moment or move but we have all spoken to her a little bit. I lay on her bed now speaking to her.

"Hey Babygirl, it's me Theo, I am sorry for what happened to you. I hope you can forgive us all when you wake up. I am so so sorry this happened to you. You don't deserve this. This should have never happened to you. We should have been with you and we weren't. You fell and we weren't there to catch you. We are all so sorry. I fell we all especially have let you down." I said and started crying as I held her hand in mine gently.

"I hope you wake up soon. I miss you so much. I missed you everyday you were gone and away from me. I miss you everyday now your away from me and everyone. I want you to know, I love you so much ok. I hope so you know how much we all love you. All of your mates including me have been here since you got admitted yesterday and we haven't left your side. Your best friends and brothers, uncle and your mum and dad have been here yesterday and went home and they are coming back to visit today. All of your mates stay here day and night, everyone else has to go home but comes straight back in the morning and stays all day to come and visit you" I said

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