Chapter 21 - Found you

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Scott's pov

"Quick we have to go after her" I said

"Oh we are right now" Hayden said

"Ethan, Aiden, Ennis, Deucalion and I will stay here if she comes back and just update us" Kali said

"Tyler, Jacob, Eddie, Emily, Alisha and I will stay at home and see if she comes back update us too" She said

"Of course Derek, Liam, Isaac, Theo, Malia and Scott and I will run the rest of us will drive and follow here. She's not herself right now and will probably kill some people if we don't stop her" I said

"It's not her fault, its the full moon her behavior is erratic as she has not learned to control it" Stiles said

"Well let's hurry and find her" Theo said

"How are you going to find her?" Aiden said

"We are going to follow her scent while its still there it is weak and will get stronger once we are closer." I said

Derek, Liam, Isaac, Theo and Malia and I started running and the others got in the car. We followed her scent. We started running full speed into the forest and the others followed while we were in sight. The scent stopped in the middle of the forest. We stopped. Stiles stopped his jeep and Allison stopped her car. They all got out and rushed towards us.

"Her scent stops here" Derek said

"I know, I can't smell her scent anymore" Kira said

Then we saw someone walk by.

"Hey you" Malia said

They turned to us.

"What are you doing here?" Hayden said

"I am just going for a walk at night they relax me" They said

"What's your name?" Stiles said

"Ava" She said

"Ava you need to get out of here right now" I said

"What? Why?" She said

"You need to get out of here right now, Its not safe" I said

"But its always been safe why?" She said

All of a sudden we heard something.

"Guys do you hear that?" I said

It got louder and we could hear snarling. 

"It's Mia, she's coming" Lydia said

We saw a big black wolf and it was snarling and running towards the human.

"Ava watch out" I said to her

She turned around but to late and was pinned to the ground to Mia. Ava started screaming.

"Ava its okay calm down" Derek said trying to calm her

She kept screaming.

"Maybe we should just let Mia kill her, her screaming is annoying" Theo said

"Not helping right now" Liam said

"Mia, its us calm down" I said walking towards her

We all started walking towards her and she growled loudly and her eyes flashed all red before going back to purple nd red. She pinned Ava harder to the ground and looked at us daring us to come closer. We all stepped back and she still growled. She looked at us and the screaming Ava and pinned her harder to the ground. Mia slit her throat in front of us. The others got in the car and we started running after her after she started running. We were hot on her tail. We were coming to a cliff. 

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