Chapter 22- Murder Motel

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Mia's pov

I woke up in Stiles's arms and I sat up and sighed. I leaned against the head board and Hayden was on my other side. They were all up. I can't believe I killed someone. My aunt and parents would not be happy with me. They would not be proud of me.

"Morning everyone" I said and smiled slightly and cuddled into Stiles's side and he cuddled me and stroked my hair and Haden stroked my hair.

"Mia, its okay" Kira said and hugged me

"It wasn't your fault" Scott said smiling

"You weren't in control of your body" Lydia said

"Control or not I still killed an innocent person. My parents and my aunt would be so disappointed in me" I said and sighed

"No they wouldn't. They would be so proud of you and would be so proud of you because how far you have come" Allison said and smiled

I smiled and hugged her and kissed her cheek. I still haven't told them about the bite mark that hadn't healed yet. It was on my upper chest. I will tell them later.

"You guys always know how to make me feel better" I said and smiled

"I just want to learn how to control my wolf, I just don't want to hurt anyone" I said

"I promise we will teach you and help you but we will wait for when you come back and the weekends and I promise you, you will be ready for the next full moon and you won't hurt anyone" Derek said

"Mmm that sounds nice" I said

I hugged Allison and kissed her lips deeply and she returned it.

"Good morning" I said to her and smiled

"Morning Mia" She said to me and hugged me again

I crawled to Hayden.

"Good morning Hayden" I said and kissed her and hugged her

She hugged and kissed me back.

"Morning sweety" She said and smiled

I crawled over to Lydia and hugged and kissed her and she smiled and hugged and kissed me back.

"Morning Lydia" I said

"Morning Mia" She said and kissed my forehead

I crawled to Scott and he grabbed me and dipped me down and kissed me deeply and I hummed and moaned in the kiss and she kissed e deeply and I grasped his hair and he groaned. We pulled away breathing heavily.

"Morning beautiful" He said to me

"Morning good looking" I said to him smiling

Kira grabbed me and straddled my lap. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply and she cupped mine. She put a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed me deeply and we opened our eyes and looked at each other deeply lovingly.

"Morning Kira" I said smiling and pecking her lips

"Morning beautiful" She said and smiled

"I like when you straddle me" I said

"You look hot up there" I said and winked

"You look hot as well all the time" She whispered in my ear biting my ear and I moaned quietly

She pulled away.

"Tease" I hissed

I crawled to Malia and smirked and she stared at me. 

"Morning Malia" I said lowly

"Morning Mia" She lowly responded back to me

I straddled her lap and kissed down her neck and she moaned quietly and I smirked.

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