Chapter 15 - Jealousy

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Mia's pov

I woke up to Allison shaking me gently to wake up for school. I turned around and saw them all still in their pajamas with their morning hair. They all looked so good.

"Damn I don't mind waking up to this every morning" I said

"Neither do we especially when your sleeping and you throw the covers off and we have a nice view of your ass" Malia said

I blushed.

"Stop, its the morning and your making me blush" I said giggling

"We can't help it when you look so good" Malia said and pulled me into her arms.

"God we love your giggle, its adorable" Lydia said

I blew her a kiss and she caught it and winked and I blushed again.

"Good morning" I said to all my mates

"Good morning beautiful" Liam said

"Good morning princess" Stiles said

"Good morning Babygirl" Theo said.

"Good morning angel" Derek said

"Good morning gorgeous" Isaac said

"Good morning stunner" Hayden said

"Morning sexy" Malia said

"Morning model" Lydia said

"Morning warrior" Kira said

I kissed and hugged all my mates.

"Where's Scott?" I said

"He's still sleeping he won't wake up" Stiles said

"I can help with that" I said

I crawled over to Scott.

"Scott" I whispered in his ear

"Mmm" He groaned

"Time to wake up" I said

"Five more minutes" Scott groaned

Hmm this is not working, I know what to do.

I straddled his lap. I begun kissing down his neck and down his chest. He begun shifting and moving. 

"Scott" I said

He was awake now but stayed layed down. I started moving my hips against him slowly teasing him.

 I started moving my hips against him slowly teasing him

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"Scott get up" I said lowly

He started groaning. I kissed all down his face and cheeks and jaw leaving a few hickeys and he moaned. He grabbed my ass and pushed me harder against him and moved more against him. He started groaning. I smirked and got off him and he pouted. I was blushing a little though.

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