To Do or Not To Do {41}

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"I hate you."

"Yeah sure. Keep telling yourself that. It's not my fault you're a weak little shit."

Shikamaru drops the bar that he was holding and you catch it before it hits his chest, raising it with ease and sitting it back up. As he sends you a glare for calling him what you did, you keep that same smile, acting innocent.

Asuma looks back over at you and sees the glare his student is throwing. "How much did he do?!" He calls out. You turn your head and place your elbow on the boy's head, thinking a bit.

"Twenty-eight!" You call back. Asuma nods and goes back to his two other students, watching them struggle to do push-ups.

"You know, I really despise you." Shikamaru suddenly speaks, making you snap your head to him. "Come on now. Hate is understandable. Despise is a pretty strong word." You sigh, ruffling his head of hair.

He swats your hands away and keeps that same scowl. "Fine. You're annoying though. Asuma-sensei doesn't push me as hard as you do. And you never really work with Ino or Choji."

You ponder on that thought and nod a bit. "True. But I still work with 'em sometimes. Asuma just specifically brought me onto this team to work with you. Since you're a lazy prick." You explain nonchalantly.

Shikamaru groans and falls onto his back, looking at the sky and watching the clouds go by. "I wish I was a cloud."

But just as you go to speak, a presence is felt behind you.

You turn around and see Sasuke walking up, worry residing in his eyes. Although, this worry is something he's trying to hide. But he isn't very good at this.

"Yes?" You ask the boy, hearing Shikamaru smack his lips from behind you.

Sasuke nods his head behind him and starts walking backward. "Lady Tsunade wanted me to get you."

His Traitor ➪ 𝘬. 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 [lemons]Where stories live. Discover now