Missing Him {25}

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You open your tired eyes groggily and see Kakashi simply staring at you, his head resting on the fluffy white pillow of your bed.

His eyes are slightly puffy as he's just woken up and he has marks on his face from what looks like the spine of a book. His silver hair is messy and some is covering his left eye.

"You look adorable." You giggle with a smile. His face suddenly gains a small scowl and he adjusts the blanket around his shoulder, flipping over so his back is facing you.

This takes you by surprise and you sit up, looking at him with squinted eyes while using the thin sheet to hide your chest. You'd think that after what you did yesterday with him... he wouldn't be acting like this.

"You stole all the blankets last night." He suddenly mutters.

Your face softens and you laugh a bit, leaning over his body and using your hand to turn his face to you. "Why didn't you just take them back? I wouldn't have been mad." You shrug.

He keeps that same hard look and pouts. "You just looked so comfortable. I didn't want to wake you."

You laugh again and crawl over him, getting out of the sheets and walking to your dresser. "Well, I'm sorry... kind of. Anyways we need to go to Tsunade's today. I have to ask her-" As soon as you get your underwear and shirt on, snoring is heard from behind you.

You turn around and see Kakashi rolled up in the blanket and sleeping soundly.

"This bitch-" You mutter and march over to him, placing your hands on your hips. "Get out of bed."

You get no response so you say it again while shaking him a bit. But still, nothing. So you grab his book from your nightstand and roll it up, whacking him across the head.

His Traitor ➪ 𝘬. 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 [lemons]Where stories live. Discover now